Time of Death Book 2: Asylum (A Zombie Novel)
kind of Hawaiian mash-up of patterns. Each piece
had been cut from a different flowered fabric, then sewn together.
Five patterns in all, and not one matching color, but all of them
so bright it was possible it would glow in the dark.
    "Dude, Bill Cosby called. He wants his shirt
back," taunted his brother
    "No way! This thing rocks." He placed his
hands on his hips and took a walk on an imaginary catwalk, swaying
his hips and finishing it off with a twirl.
    Meg shook her head and brought her hand up to
cover her face. "I knew there was a reason I chose to get a degree
in psych. My brothers are BSC."
    "BSC?" they asked in unison.
    "Bat-shit crazy."
    Vinny protested the diagnosis, "No way. I'm
the only normal one in the family."
    "Bro, you call your knife The Penetrator,
there's definitely something wrong with you."
    * * *
    The afternoon warmed up and we sat on the
upper deck talking about life before the outbreak. Whenever the
topic began to shift toward Sanibel and the catastrophic loss we
suffered, we changed the subject.
    Meg, like the rest of us, had made the
conscious decision to focus on what lie ahead, and not look back.
The events were still too raw for any of us to really cope, and in
this new world, here today, gone tomorrow was dangerously
    Jake was going over the list of our food
supplies, trying to figure out what our next move should be.
    "So, if we ration the water to three bottles
a day per person, we've got enough for a month. However, our food
situation isn't as solid. If we cut down our intake, we can make it
maybe two weeks, and that's on a four-hundred calorie diet. We'll
be essentially starving ourselves."
    "Why don't we make some scavenging trips to
all the nearby houses?" asked Vinny.
    "We have to assume there will be at least one
zombie in each house. Even if there isn't, I'd rather err on the
side of caution. Each time we leave this boat, we have a good
chance of one or all of us not making it back. I'd like to minimize
the risk as much as possible."
    I thought about our options. The tank was
still full, since we'd refilled on Sanibel, and only traveled a
short distance. "Who says we have to stay here?" I said.
    Jake looked at me with interest. "I'm
intrigued. What are you thinking?"
    "Nothing specific, really. Only that we've
got the freedom to move around a bit. We lost the Jet-Ski and
rowboat, but who says we can't look for another? Not to mention, I
wouldn't mind having a look around a bit."
    "Yeah," chimed in Meg. "Maybe we'll find
someplace that doesn't reek so badly, or a gated community that's
still intact. The world is our oyster, well, at least until we run
out of gas, that is."
    Moments ago, Meg and I were discussing how we
didn't want to leave the boat unless we had to. Now we were
thinking differently. We were women, after all, and we reserved the
right to change our minds as often as we like.
    Daphne stood on the seat next to me and let
loose with a growl. The fur on her back was raised and she looked
toward the dock. We were on our feet in an instant and turned to
see what was going on.
    "Shit!" swore Jake, running for the helm.
"Get the poles!"
    A muffled bump and scrape sounded as the boat
butted up to the dock. My eyes widened with fear and disbelief when
I leaned over to see three undead close enough to step onto the
lower deck. Vinny, Meg, and I grabbed our poles and flew down the
stairs to push them back while Jake got the boat fired up and out
of the danger zone.
    "What the fuck happened?" shouted Vinny as we
reached the bottom.
    There was no time to answer, because two of
the zombies had found their way onto the deck and the third was
right behind them. We came out of the stairwell in between them.
Meg and I struggled with the long poles to push the closest one to
the edge and at the same time block the opening with its body so
the other couldn't board.
    That left Vinny cut off behind us, dealing
with the one that had traveled farther on deck. The end of

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