Tick Tock (Storage Ghosts)

Read Tick Tock (Storage Ghosts) for Free Online

Book: Read Tick Tock (Storage Ghosts) for Free Online
Authors: Gillian Larkin
all off.”
head began to pound. “Are you saying that Eddie lent money to our parents, and
when they couldn’t pay him back he murdered them and took their businesses?”
You’re not listening! He planned to take the businesses first. He picked people
who would never be able to pay him back. People he could trick. It’s all here,
all the reports of people who have died.”
said, “I’m sorry, Clare, but you’ll have to start from the beginning.”
you believe me? I don’t want to waste my time if you’re going to dismiss me like
everyone else.”
looked her straight in the eye and said, “I do believe you, and I want to help
    Chapter 11
took all the information in and tried to make sense of it on the bus ride back
to the shop. In between trying to make sense of Clare’s ramblings, Grace kept
trying Frankie’s phone. It was still going to answer phone. Grace’s unease
the shop Tom peered at her and said, “Let me get this straight. Eddie Tominski
targets business owners who are in financial trouble. He then lends them money
but soon increases the interest rates so that they find it hard to pay him
nodded. “That must have been what happened to you, can you remember anything
about it?”
do remember owing him money, and that the interest rates went sky high. But I
really don’t believe the part about him killing people to get their businesses.
Why doesn’t he take the businesses as part of the loan?”
image of Eddie’s evil face came to Grace. She said, “Perhaps he likes killing
shivered and moved closer to Tom. “I never liked that man. I rue the day that
we ever got involved with him.”
didn’t look convinced. “But how does he kill people? I’m still fuzzy about how
we died. Did you ask Clare about it?”
did. She told me that you’d fallen down the cellar steps of your home. Both of
folded her arms. “I told you, Tom, we needed a handrail on those steps, but you
never listened.”
carefully said, “Apparently, you were both drunk at the time.”
was a heavy silence as Tom and Lynne stared at Grace.
Tom spluttered, “But we don’t drink! We have a small glass of sherry at
Christmas, but that’s it.”
did have a glass of champagne at Laura’s wedding,” Lynne added.
not drinkers at all, that’s outrageous!” Tom paced up and down. “Clare must
have got it wrong.”
didn’t. You were examined, after your deaths, and large amounts of alcohol were
found in your stomachs. The same thing happened with my parents, they didn’t
drink but alcohol was found in them too. Can’t you remember anything about the
night you died? Did Eddie Tominski call round to see you? Did he force alcohol
on you?”
stopped pacing, his brow furrowed as he thought. “I have a vague memory of
something. If only we could go back in time.”
might be able to,” Grace said. “I told you that I’d started seeing ghosts after
my parents’ accident, and that I’d helped some ghosts that I’d met in other
storage units.”
you said,” Tom nodded.
when I touched something that belonged to the ghost at the same time they did
we were taken into a vision of the past, we were shown something that helped us
with the ghost’s problem.”
vision! I like the sound of that!” Lynne said with glee. “We’d be like time
travellers. Could we meet our younger selves and tell them to watch out for
doesn’t work like that. We can only observe, it’s like we’re going into a
television screen. We need something from that night when you think Eddie may
have called round. What were you working on?”
held his finger up. “A watch! That watch that’s on my desk. I was working on
the mechanism inside. Do you really think it would work?”
shrugged and gave them a small

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