Through The Grapevine: A BWWM Romance

Read Through The Grapevine: A BWWM Romance for Free Online

Book: Read Through The Grapevine: A BWWM Romance for Free Online
Authors: Sherie Keys
I can get her back. I don't know why she's off with this other man, but we are three weeks from our wedding and I'm not about to lose her now. I want her for the rest of my life. I love her." he turned to look at Shannon, and she could see that he would not be swayed.
    "Where is she?" 
    Shannon sighed heavily. "She's in Aspen, Colorado."
    Colby pulled out his cell phone and called his travel agent.
    "I need to get to Aspen, Colorado, immediately, please." 
    There was a bit of silence and his face clouded over with confusion and doubt. "No, that can't be. There has to be some way to get there. Please... please check every possible option. I'll wait."
    His wait wasn't long.
    "Nothing? There's no way at all? What about a train? How long?" He sat down on the bench beside Shannon and leaned back against it, raising his face upward and staring through the tree at the blue sky above him.
    "That just can't be," he said in a low, sad tone. "There has to be some way that I can get there." There was another pause. "That's the only way?" he sighed deeply and looked down at his feet on the ground.
    "Alright. Thank you." He  hung up the phone and closed his eyes, rubbing his hands over his face.
    "What did they say?" Shannon asked sympathetically. From what she had heard of the conversation, there weren't many options for him to exercise.
    He sat up and looked at Shannon. "There's a huge blizzard over the Rocky Mountains and there are no flights in or out anywhere near her, not even in Denver. There are no trains in or out for at least three more days, and even then, they aren't guaranteeing that there will be service. They are expecting another monster snowstorm right after this one. They said that the only way I can get to her is if I drive out, and even then I might not get there because the roads would most likely be closed."
    Shannon shook her head, feeling awful for him. "I'm so sorry,” she said quietly. "I'm from there; I know how bad those storms are. You're just going to have to wait until she comes back when it clears up."
    He turned and stared at her. "I can't do that! I can't wait! What if something happens to her in the storms? What if..." He  looked so worried. "What if she doesn't come back?" he looked at Shannon and shook his head in determination. "I have to go get her."
    Shannon stood up from the bench in a rush. "You can't do that!" she exclaimed.
    He frowned. "Why not?" he asked.
    Shannon pursed her lips. "Colby, you drive a convertible. You are a native Californian, born and raised here. Have you ever driven in the snow?" she put her hands on her hips and he blinked and drew a breath, looking at her thoughtfully.
    "No... I haven't. Is it difficult?   I could probably get the hang of it in no time,” he said with assurance.
    Shannon laughed just a little and shook her head. "No, you can't. Driving in the snow is something that is learned over time. Driving in a white-out blizzard is something else entirely and requires years of experience, and even then, fatal accidents can happen. You have no business trying to drive out there to her in a monster storm like that. You won't make it. I'm sorry to say it like that, but that's the truth. There's no way you'll make it."
    Colby was silent for a long moment, taking in everything she said and watching her as she shook her head at him.
    "Just wait until she comes back and then work it out with her." Shannon wished that he had never been curious enough to find out what Tiffany was doing.
    He shook his head. "I can't wait. I don't want to lose her. She made a mistake, that's all; she just... got confused about some guy who was probably really persuasive with her. I'm not going to lose my wife to some strange guy. I won't. I love her, and I'm going after her. Now, I know you're probably right about inexperienced drivers in white-out winter conditions; I probably wouldn't make it there." He

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