Through the Dom's Lens
some form of
order, grimaced at her wide-eyed reflection, and padded across to the door.
froze on the doorstep, the sight of Junsako deeply engrossed at the computer
such a sight for sore eyes that she couldn't move. Wearing nothing but low
slung sweat pants, his muscles rippled and bunched when he pushed away from the
PC and stretched. Instantly she grew wet, and her breasts ached and tingled.
One session with him had turned her into a raving nymphomaniac, it seemed.
inhaled sharply, as though he could smell her arousal and need for him, which
was a ridiculous notion, of course. It would mean that he was as aware of her
as she was of him, and that was just wishful thinking.
swung his chair around, and Sally swallowed hard at the way his eyebrows drew
together in a frown. Immediately she dropped her gaze to his chest and then his
groin. His impressive bulge grew bigger in front of her eyes, and Sally felt
rather faint as a rush of feminine power went through her. From the soles of
her feet to the tips of her hair, she tingled under his silent scrutiny, the
heat of his gaze like a physical caress on her skin.
towel felt too much all of a sudden. Her skin chafed under it, as his
disapproval radiated off him.
are you covered up, pet? My house is warm, and you know I want
to see you naked."
deceptively quiet drawl nonetheless held an edge of pure steel that had more of
her moisture coat the top of her thighs.
sorry, Sir. I just don't feel very comfortable naked."
uncomfortable silence fell between them as he sighed, and he drummed his
fingers on one of his thighs. Sally could not tear her eyes away from the
irritated movement of those digits.
The towel, drop it. Now!"
annoyed tones finally galvanized her into action, and she released the knot on
her towel with fumbling fingers. It fell to the floor behind her with a quiet
thud, and she fought the urge to cover herself up with her hands.
but why are you still standing?"
for a moment she simply gaped at him until he pointed his index finger to the
floor, and the penny dropped in her mind. She dropped to her knees and then
glanced up to him to see the fleeting smile that crossed his features. It was
enough to make her smile inside though.
better, pet, much better. We'll have to work on your posture, but
this is a nice start. I realize this is new to you, but when we're at home,
just the two of us, I want you naked and on your knees
when you greet me, is that understood?"
shiver went through her at the sheer decadence of that suggestion. Only it
wasn't a suggestion, was it? Junsako was very much in full Dom mode, and that's
what she wanted, wasn't it?
there a problem, pet?" he asked. His voice sounded bored, but the hand on
his thigh balled into a fist as though he was worried about her response. But
why would he be? A man like him no doubt had countless willing submissives queue ‘round the corner for his time.
asked you a question, and I demand an answer."
whip like words made her jump, and she knew she must look a state knelt on the
floor. Her juices no doubt left a wet stain on the carpet, because, Lord help
her, if him like this didn't turn her on to the point of frenzy.
problem, Sir." She whispered her answer, utterly
incapable of projecting her voice with any authority right now. He'd heard her
though, because that tight fist released slightly, and he sighed again.
you sure? Sally, if I'm going too fast, then use your safewords ."
use of her actual name grated, and she looked up to read his expression.
would I need to use my safewords ? I'm just kneeling,
and truth be told…" She swallowed hard and licked
her dry lips. The action made him lean forward, and his gaze dropped to her
lips. His reaction gave her the strength to carry on. After all, everything she
had ever read about the lifestyle stressed the importance of honesty and
communication, so she

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