Therapeutic Relations
undergraduates. Back then his honor, his family’s good name and standing meant more than anything – everything.
    She couldn’t do that to him. No woman was worth shunning and exclusion from a culture.
    Tak had dated outside his ethnicity many times before, but somehow his parents had accepted the Caucasian ones with a little more ease than the darker skinned ones. She marveled at their pickiness when it came to skin tone, being a minority as much as she, Tanya failed to comprehend their racist attitudes.
    Before she knew it, the glass high rise appeared before her, scraping the overcast sky.

    Tanya maneuvered her Lexus down into the underground parking garage and into her designated spot.
    Tak’s messages had been cautious, only contacting her via cell phone, leaving brief bouts of lust and love on the line. She took in a breath and let it out in a slow, steady stream.
    What should I say to Tak? What would I do when our eyes meet?

    Already her clit hardened and throbbed for his whirling tongue, his soft lips, and regal


    Keep it professional and aim above his belt.

    Yes. That’s what she’d do. Easier said than done, but her determination grew longer



    Tak fidgeted against the warm streams of heated air. His office door remained cracked just a bit. He wanted to hear Tanya’s husky voice greet the staff. The moment she stepped into the office, he had to know. A taut wire ready to snap, Tak had paced a nice line between his desk and his door most of the morning. Unable to sleep most of the weekend, he did sit-ups, Tae Kwon Do and meditation, but none of it repelled the tension winding around his neck, his heart, his cock.
    “You have a good weekend, Dr. Morris?” came the coarse rasp of Debbie, the one-hundred year old receptionist. “Mine was too quick as usual.”
    His breath caught in his chest and refused to move out or in until he heard her voice. “It was an interesting weekend,” Tanya replied. “And yes, they do tend to go rather

    Tak frowned. His weekend seemed to stretch on forever and three years. But then it was all about perspective. He refocused his thoughts and reminded himself to breathe. Concentrate. The biggest day of his life arrived prepackaged today and it was up to him to assemble it.
    It began with black, velvet-draped box with the diamond ring inside on his desk.

    “Dr. Morris, uh, hang on a minute,” Anne, the administrative assistant called as Tanya’s shadow hurried by his door. “There’s a message here from Dr. Nakamura. He wants a meeting today at 3 p.m.”
    Tak fought to suppress the smile itching to explode onto his face. He knew her schedule and no one was penciled in after 2:30 p.m. Neither of them saw patients after that time. They would discuss business issues and address other concerns found in running a business. Truth be told, he only nodded and agreed at those intimate four person meetings. His head, both the one on his shoulders and the one stirring awake in his pants, paid more attention to the swerve of her hips and the smooth long legs than any of the numbers.
    “…as it’s Monday. That’s our typical business meeting day, but not today, Anna,” Tanya was saying, sobering Tak’s dreamy attention at once. “I have other appointments after 2:30.”
    What? No, she doesn’t.

    “Would you like for me to add those times in as busy, Dr. Morris?” Anne asked, and Tak


    Great idea!

    “No, I think I can handle it. Don’t schedule anything after 2:30 as usual,” Tanya replied coolly, not even a hint of anxiousness seeping in her tone.
    How can she pretend like it never happened? She hadn’t even asked Anne if I was in yet?

    Did she see the car? Did she see my light on?

    He rushed back to his desk as quickly as possible and picked up his Monte Blanc pen and pretended to take notes on his legal pad. Any minute she’d come waltzing into the office and pretend that their sensual joining never occurred. As if

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