The Wolf Prince
lie and say it meant something else.
    Her gaze slowly traveled over him.
    She wasn’t stupid. The guy was seriously sexy. If he could give her an orgasm while playing the piano, just think how good it would be if they actually had sex.
    Her body tingled at the thought of the two of them in bed together. Naked bodies pressing close. No, she didn’t think she would explain what “no fringe benefits” meant.

    S urlock glared at the man who measured him for clothes—Mr.
    Barnes he was called. He didn’t like him. He kept licking his lips as if he wanted to do more than take measurements.
    “I just need to get the width of your chest,” the tailor simpered. “My, you do have a broad chest, don’t you? I’d bet you’re a bit of a wild one.” His voice went husky when he said
“I love a man who can wear his hair long and still look ruggedly handsome. There’s no doubt that person is a real man.”
    Surlock fisted his hands. Darcy had said he would need the clothes, and since he worked for her now, he knew he had to act accordingly and not pound this man into the ground. It didn’t feel right, though. Not the way the tailor let his hands linger a little too long in all the wrong places.
    “Now, if you would please be so kind as to step up on the bench, I’ll get your inseam.” He licked his lips. “I have to tell you that you have a very nice inseam.”
    Surlock narrowed his eyes, but the tailor was more interested in keeping his gaze below the waist as Surlock stepped up on the bench.
    Darcy shouldn’t have left him alone with the tailor. He had beady eyes. When the tailor neared his crotch, Surlock growled from deep in his throat just as Darcy pushed the curtain open and walked inside the small fitting room. She stopped in hertracks, then cast a warning look in his direction.
she decided to return. Surlock wondered how much trouble he was in.
    The tailor’s hands fluttered close to his face, and his eyes grew wide. “Oh, my.” The little man’s hands began to tremble.
    “Is there a problem?” One of Darcy’s eyebrows shot upward as her hard gaze was redirected at the tailor. At least she’d changed the direction of her displeasure. Maybe he was in the clear.
    “No, no problem. I’ll just take these last measurements and be done,” Mr. Barnes stuttered. He took out his pad and pencil and jotted down numbers. There was a snap, and the pencil broke, one end flying across the room. “Oh, I pressed too hard,” the tailor said. “I’ll… I’ll just get another pencil so we can finish up.” He pulled a white cloth out of his pocket and mopped his forehead before hurrying through the curtains.
    “You have to stop glaring at poor Mr. Barnes,” Darcy whispered. “And for heaven’s sake, stop growling at people. You’re scaring them.”
    “I don’t like the way he touches me,” Surlock snarled. “I think he enjoys it too much.”
    “He probably did in the beginning, but I think he’s had a change of heart.”
    Mr. Barnes hurried back in, took one look at Surlock and visibly swallowed, his face turning pale. “I just need a couple more measurements. I promise.”
    Darcy willed Surlock to meet her look of warning. He sighed. “Then continue,” Surlock said, keeping his gaze on Darcy, rather than looking at the tailor.
    A memory flashed of another time, another person taking his measurements, but it had been a female with dark green eyes and a saucy smile.
    The memory was gone as quickly as it had flashed across his thoughts. Frustration filled him. Why did his memories stay blocked? He fisted his hands and growled.
    “I’m finished,” Mr. Barnes squeaked as he quickly straightened, then stepped a good distance back. “I think we have a fewthings he can take with him until we get his other clothes ready,” he told Darcy. When she nodded, he scurried from the room.
    “You scared him again,” she accused.
    “I apologize.” He hadn’t meant to frighten the little

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