The Withered Series (Book 1): Wither

Read The Withered Series (Book 1): Wither for Free Online

Book: Read The Withered Series (Book 1): Wither for Free Online
Authors: Amy Miles
Tags: Zombies
I look up at him I’m shocked by the deep slump of his
shoulders.  His expression is slack, his eyes dull.  “This
world isn’t lost until we give up on it and I’m not about
to do that.”
cling to the blanket, feeling exposed and wearied by this stranger’s
whiplash morals.  I should feel more gratitude for his risking
his life to rescue me, but I don’t.  Not right now.  
I decide to divert his attention. “Where is this place?”
side of town.  Not far from the river.”  He walks to
a window and peels back the curtain of black plastic.  Hail
pings against the window. An icy mixture streams down the glass panes
like tears, cleaning away the filth.  “It’s not my
place.  I had a friend who crashed here from time to time.”
lets the plastic fall back into place then turns to look at me.  This
time it’s a hard, piercing look.  “Yeah.  Had.”
fall silent as he glances toward the empty armchair across from me
and quickly looks away.  I can tell he’s upset.  We
have all lost someone.  None of us are immune to mourning,
though I’ll admit I’m better off than most.  There’s
no one in my life that I care enough about to shed a tear for.
be safe here.” He says after a moment, visibly shaking himself.
 “You need to rest up a bit before you’re ready to
I ask, feeling a little stupid for acting like a parrot repeating
everything he says but my head still feels too light. Too unsettled.
 The quiver in my fingers has yet to fade and my stomach doesn’t
seem ready to settle any time soon.  I glance down the hall and
pray that I can make it to the toilet in time if I have to.
can’t stay here.  The gangs are on the move, trying to
expand their territory.  My orders were to secure the quadrant
near the hospital and return to base.  It’s only a matter
of time before this area is lost.”
drop my legs over the side and tuck the blanket around me.  The
dark blue fabric of the futon is faded and tatty, the stuffing
beginning to migrate toward the floor as I shift.  “What
about your team, squadron, or whatever you call it?  Don’t
you have others like you that you’re supposed to be with? Some
commanding officer to report to?”
get the distinct feeling that he has no desire to speak of such
things as he begins to collect his gear.  I consider pressing
him, almost eager to do so as payback for him getting an eyeful of me
while I was passed out, but I let it go.  
my lips, I push up from the futon and rise unsteadily.  I almost
think that I’ve managed to pull it off until I topple backward,
my head slamming into the cushion.  Cable is by my side before I
am able to recover.  
can do it myself,” I growl and shove off his hand.  “I
don’t need you.”
backs away but doesn’t go far.  This annoys me.  “What’s
with you, anyways?  You one of those guys with some stupid hero
complex?  Is that why you joined the military?”
glimpse a hint of a smile but it fades just as fast as it appears and
I realize that this guy is tough, but not as tough as he wants me to
from the south, where people still have manners.”
you’re implying that I don’t?”  
shrugs.  “A thank you for saving your life would be the
normal response.”
said thank you.”  At least I’m pretty sure I did at
some point.
you?” The corners of his mouth twitch.  “It must
have gotten lost in all of that self-righteous independence crap
you’ve been spewing since you woke.”
mouth hangs open in disbelief.  Is this guy for real?  Now
he’s going to lecture me on being a feminist?  I start to
whip out a comeback but he turns his back on me and heads for the
door.  “Where are you going?”
pauses at the door to don a jacket.  I spy the name Blackwell stitched into his chest and wonder if it’s his name or if

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