The Witch
from safe.” Nalik’s tone was firm. Jushua understood. He’d witnessed the paralysis Nalik had experienced after this place had been attacked previously. “We can sort them out when we return to Thrun.”
    The rest of their party—Barlaam the Healer, and the two Taniss males who’d accompanied him—were slow to rejoin them.
    Jushua waited, his burdens over each shoulder. The first Taniss, Marshall he thought the male’s name was, frowned when he saw the women. “What are you doing?”
    “Found a few strays who need relocated.”
    “Against their will?”
    “For the time being. They don’t need to be poking around here. And this one, at least, isn’t human. She’ll be sorted out in Thrun,” Nalik said as Barlaam joined them. He carried a large bag. “Barl? What we came for?”
    “I have it. It’ll be safe within the walls of your city, according to the goddess’s decree.” Barlaam looked at Jushua. “What is this?”
    “Found some new friends.” Jushua turned his back slightly, so that the healer could get a look at the witchie. “Figured to take them home. I have so few friends, after all.”
    The healer looked at the girl and frowned. “That is not a new friend. I believe that is an old one.” Barlaam put a hand on the witch’s shoulder. Jushua still had her contained within his power. “That is Loren. My Rajni’s closest friend. Best put her down and set her free. She has quite a temper, I understand.”

Chapter Nine
    Well that was a turn he hadn’t expected. “You know her.”
    “Yes, I do. And I can safely say you can put her down without there being a problem. I’m not sure why she was in Dardanos today, but I’d like to find out. My mate has been worried. She has been missing for a while now. We feared her dead.”
    Jushua lowered first the mother, and then the girl. Taniss grabbed the mother and steadied her. But Jushua did not take his hands off the girl.
    Why should he? She should have just told him who she was. And there was no explanation for how she had known him, was there? She knocked me upside the head a few times. You sure she’s a friend?”
    “Yes.” Barlaam reached for her.
    Jushua growled, shocking the hell out of himself. He didn’t understand it. He certainly didn’t feel the least bit possessive of the girl. That was ridiculous.
    But he did not want another male touching her. Perhaps there had been more attraction between them than he thought?
    Or just more foolishness.
    Barlaam held up a hand and stepped away. “I see. So that’s the way of it, then. Best unfreeze her. She’s a bit pissed.”
    Nalik stepped between them and lifted the girl’s chin. She became animate.
    Dammit, how had the reborned one done that? No one should have been able to undo what he had done. That was not the way the world worked for him.
    “Barl!” The girl shocked him when she hugged the Healer. “Thank the great stars. I was worried…Jade? Becca?”
    “Both are fine.” Barlaam hugged her back quickly and then stepped away. “Why are you here, and not in Levia?”
    “I went to Levia. And it wasn’t the best place for a human, so I returned to my mother.”
    “I see. Exceptions would have been made for her to join you there. If you had asked. She would have been protected. And there are Tanisses there. You would have been protected.”
    “But that was not the way for us. Now is. Although…tell me…Is Jushua the only Dardaptos son who still lives? Kennera, the daughter? The Fates…”
    Nalik grabbed the girl’s arm and turned her toward him. Jushua stepped up to her side, just as the mother became animate. “Just who—what—are you? You are not human, yet you are not fully Druid.”
    “At times I do not know.” Her expression was sly, and he knew again that she lied.
    “And I have a lot of questions. Come. There is much we need to discuss—once we get out of this world. I trust you have traveled by portkey before.”
    She smiled, then raised one slender

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