The Weight of Souls

Read The Weight of Souls for Free Online

Book: Read The Weight of Souls for Free Online
Authors: Bryony Pearce
Tags: Revenge, Murder, Ghosts, Cursed, doomed love, jutice, The Darkness, Tyler Oh
need to go to the office.”
    “You mean because it’s a double lesson and we’ve got it again after lunch?”
    “I’d forgotten. I’ll die. I’ll literally drop dead from an aneurysm.”
    I burst out laughing. She looked so wretched. Hannah in drama mode was always funny. Not that she saw it that way.
    “Come on, Han,” I sighed. “If it makes you feel better I’m going to fail that class too.”
    “Stop laughing, you cow . It doesn’t make me feel better. You and exams are a disaster. You break my heart. I’m going to get drugs, lots of drugs.”
    “Good luck with that.” I shoved her gently in the direction of the office. “I’ll see you later. Usual spot?”
    Hannah nodded carefully as if she really was worried that a sudden movement would topple her head from her shoulders. I watched her totter away, smiled and swung my bag higher on my shoulder. The sun was trying to burn through the clouds; I’d eat outside and get in our “spot” early. Way better than running the gauntlet of the common room and eating alone in a room full of cliques.
    I was sitting with my legs in the weak sunshine, enjoying the feel of the rays on my shins. My sandwich had gone soggy in my lunchbox, but I was picking the filling out and eating it between crisps. The wall of the art room was warming my back and I had a clear view of the courtyard. Hannah wasn’t keeping me company, but my hands were clean of dead men’s Marks, there was no sign of anything out of the ordinary and I was feeling relatively alright with the world.
    I looked down to pick some more cucumber from my sandwich and a shadow fell over me.
    I caught my breath; had I missed a ghost?
    No. I forced my shoulders to relax, ghosts don’t cast shadows.
    I glanced up. It was the boy from earlier: Alan.
    “Hey,” I grunted, but he said nothing and didn’t move. “What’s up?”
    He took a deep breath and crouched next to me. “Sorry about this,” he whispered.
    “Huh?” I had time to get my legs half under me, but that just had me off balance when he shoved me, hard. I teetered for a second then fell on my side, dropping my lunch into the dust and twisting my wrist under my hip. Shock froze me for a moment, long enough for him to grab my bag and run for it.
    “What just happened?” I shouted; then I leaped up and sprinted after him.
    My feet flew across the concrete and my skirt flipped up to my thighs. I could run, sothe stupid kid didn’t stand a chance. Despite my confusion I was almost enjoying the chase. Alan cut across the grass, heading for the athletics track. My bag bumped against his back, shedding pens and books like Hansel in the forest. I’d pick them up later. Right now I wanted my hands on the little toad.
    All my attention was on the fleeing junior; the redness on his neck, the hammer of his trainers on the hard-packed earth. Around us our classmates were stopping what they were doing and pointing, starting to laugh. I didn’t care.
    I was almost caught up with him when I passed the storage shed next to the long jump pit.
    My foot caught on something that hadn’t been there when Alan scampered past. I careered forward, my arms spinning as I tried to keep my balance. Then a brutal shove caught me from behind and I literally flew off my feet.
    I smashed face first into the sandpit.
    I didn’t even have time to cry out. The grains abraded my face like sandpaper and crammed my mouth and nose. They stung my chest like carpet burn, and padded out my shirt. My already-twisted wrist shrieked with pain and I lay there stunned and unable to move, wondering what had happened.
    Then something hit my back and I pushed myself up, spitting grit. Alan stood above me, shaking my bag upside down to empty it. Once more the Lillets spilled out, this time pattering onto my bare legs.
    Rage almost blinded me and my ears rang, but still I could hear the laughter. I turned and there they were, James and Harley, holding onto each other so they weren’t

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