The Wedding Affair (The Affair Series Book 2)

Read The Wedding Affair (The Affair Series Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read The Wedding Affair (The Affair Series Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Suzanne Halliday
Tags: Book Two
business trip—with his secretary—and never come home.
    Andi was only twelve at the time, and the damage done to the preteen by her father’s betrayal of the family was long lasting. Not even the kindness of her stepdad, Steve, made much of a difference. Until Kyle came along, she’d been engaging in a farce of emotionless relationships that were little better than a shadowy blip on the radar screen.
    “It would take at least two world-class Bloody Marys to loosen the stick up my mother’s ass.”
    Andi’s sardonic comment was so funny and titillating that they all cracked up at the same time.
    “Oh, look.”
    Sam’s head snapped up at her friend’s gushing yelp.
    “Here comes Ryan.”
    As all eyes turned to where Andi was gesturing, Sam’s heart did a dance. Gladiator Man was walking their way.
    The first thing she noticed was the way his eyes crinkled at the edges when a warm smile broke out on his face. Kyle was waving to him, and Andi clapped with delight as he neared.
    Then, everything in her life changed when his eyes swung to her. She saw a flash—so quick it was gone in an instant—but not before Sam felt a blast of heat hit her broadside from just a look.
    Oh. My. God.
    His eyes never strayed from Sam’s face. Walking straight to her, she felt her heart’s drumbeat thudding in her throat.
    Feeling trapped in the tractor beam of his gaze, she tried to swallow, but there wasn’t enough saliva in her mouth. A loud hum vibrated through her body, increasing the closer he got.
    Finally, when he stopped at the table, his eyes still glued to her, Sam belatedly realized her head had fallen back on her neck as she sat there helplessly gaping up at him.
    If drool were to suddenly drip off her chin, she wouldn’t have been surprised in the least.

O n his list of things he despised were women who reacted to him as if he had the words sex toy tattooed on his face. He’d had enough of that shit in his life. After spending a couple of years modeling, Ryan developed a keen understanding of what it was like to be regarded as an object with one purpose.
    The chick with the coconut-sized implants and way-too-obvious hair extensions propositioning him so blatantly when he stopped at the bar turned his stomach.
    “Join me for a midnight hula lesson?” she’d growled.
    “Sorry, sweet cakes,” he’d bit out. “I’m gay.”
    Watching her face fall was worth the price of admission, and he was certain the throwaway line would earn him some breathing space.
    The champagne ordered, he made his way to the table after spying Andrea perched on Kyle’s lap. His mood lightened at the sight of them.
    He was so fucking happy for Kyle. Andi was a keeper. The farthest thing on the planet from a golf groupie, she had a way of cutting Kyle’s ego down to size and leveling the playing field with surprising finesse.
    Smiling broadly, he was weaving through the other tables when his eyes stopped wandering at the sight of what he interpreted was the most beautiful girl in the world.
    Thunderstruck, his heart did a triple-tap, and he had difficulty swallowing.
    Who was she?
    At night on the dimly lit terrace, she appeared almost otherworldly from the soft shadows cast by the surrounding palms. When she turned toward him, the flare from a nearby torch illuminated her face and bounced off the glittering gold she wore.
    The distance between them wasn’t too great for him to see she had light colored eyes. He wondered if they’d be gray or light blue and felt his steps pick up speed as an intense thrum of curiosity spurred him forward.
    Right at that moment, not even a volcano eruption could draw his attention away from the golden girl staring back at him.
    She had shoulder length dark brown hair with mahogany highlights accented by the flickering torchlight. Delicately arched brows, a very cute nose, and a mouth he was sure would tempt his self-restraint sent signals to his dormant libido. The only reason he wasn’t barreling at

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