The Warren Omissions
responding to emails and phone calls. Once he responded to the urgent ones, he went straight for the news.
    “More Russian Saber Rattling?” read the headline. The report detailed how the Russians were erecting new missile silos in Siberia, causing great angst in Washington. U.S. diplomats voiced concern over this move, while the Russians said it was necessary to deter any threats against their soil. Flynn rolled his eyes.   It never ends, does it?
    He decided he’d had enough world politics for today and sought out his favorite sports app to catch up on the latest NFL happenings. It was enough to occupy his time until the shuttle arrived at its destination. He watched everyone unload and head for the front entrance—except for the two men he suspected as CIA agents. They turned a corner, disappearing from view.
    Once inside, Flynn put away his belongings in the lockers downstairs, taking only his burner phone with him upstairs. He went to the microfilm archive floor and called Natalie. Five minutes later, she appeared. Her piercing blue eyes and long shapely legs gave Flynn an eyeful. She tossed her thick brown hair over her shoulder as she walked toward him.
    “If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought you were gawking at me,” Natalie said.
    She gave him a friendly side hug before Flynn could even speak.
    “It’s good to see you, Natalie,” he stammered.
    “You, too.”
    “So, we can make small talk tonight over dinner. Whatcha got for me?”
    In a hushed tone, Flynn started to divulge his protocol for passing sensitive documents over email before Natalie stopped him.
    “Just air drop me the file and I’ll look at it, OK?”
    Flynn then relaxed and smiled. He had almost forgotten Natalie’s genius idea to air drop sensitive information since it couldn’t be traced back to him. He quickly uploaded the documents to her phone.
    “Be back in a few minutes.”
    A few minutes turned into a half an hour before Natalie appeared again, this time without the bounce in her step or a smile on her face. Her face expressed a look of consternation.
    “Where did you get this?” Natalie demanded.
    “I told you someone gave it to me.” He paused. “Is it real?”
    “As far as I can tell, it is. But I’m very confused. I oversaw the JFK collection for a few years and I remember seeing that same polygraph test—with different results. Now I want to know why we have two conflicting documents.”
    Flynn smiled. “Good. It’s always fun to have a partner in these investigations.”
    Natalie shook her head. “I still can’t believe we have a fake document in our collection.”

    SANDFORD USUALLY LOOKED FORWARD to cabinet meetings. It was his chance to give President Briggs his input, input that was normally valued. But not today. He suspected that boxing gloves—or a shiv—might be more appropriate to bring to the cabinet meeting set to begin in five minutes. Hawks on the right, doves on the left. The room would be divided along ideological party lines. President Briggs wanted to create a sense of unity by inviting leaders from both sides of the political aisle to advise him on various issues. It was one of his strengths. But when divisive issues were on the table like today, it made for a contentious meeting.
    Staring at the meeting schedule on his desk, Sandford couldn’t help but wonder who sent him that note. Was it a test? Was it talking about some day in the future? At first, he thought that was the case, but as he mulled it over, the message was too cryptic for such a nuanced question. It had to mean   now   . But why? The questions pinged around Sandford’s brain but left him no closer to an answer. He still hadn’t told a soul.
    As expected, tension ruled the room during the cabinet meeting—and for good reason. The Russians had built twelve missile silos in Siberia like they were fast food chains. A once rather barren area was now being dotted by launch pads. The recent oil boom in

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