The Unseen
Whether we’d chosen to or not, we’d all be here anyway because they cancelled the flight.”
    Kent paced the room drumming a finger on the side of his cheek. “I can’t believe Bunny’s still here. I have no idea what I’m going to do with her.”
    “I’m sure we can persuade her to stay here, but as for Amanda and I—we are in this with you guys for the long haul.” She stood and gripped his shoulders, then planted a kiss on his forehead.
    He closed his eyes, relishing the sensation of her warm, sumptuous lips on his skin. He wanted more than anything to pull her into his arms, breathe in her scent, and make love to her. But the last time he’d been with her, he hadn’t made love to her, he’d detached himself and left her unsatisfied and feeling like a piece of meat.
    Shame kept him from acting on instinct. Their passion for each other had often led to torn fabric and popped buttons—whatever it took to get naked skin meeting the fastest. When he made love to her this time, he wanted to be the best damn lover in the world to make up for what he had done. “Rebecca, I’m a lucky man to have you in my life. But this is insane. I really don’t think the Vietnamese army or our guys are going to accept you two taking this kind of risk.”
    She skimmed her hand up his arm. “I understand. And I don’t think they’re likely to want you in the middle of it either. Why don’t you send the armed men in for the attack and then the four of us can fly over with Raymond once things settle down.”
    Rebecca continued stroking his arm with her fingertips. Her gentle, yet magnetic touch made it hard to concentrate. “I’ll have to think about it. But Phan and David are still out there. And I’ve flown out an archaeologist to explore with us as well, just in case what Bunny said about the hieroglyphics has credence.”
    Rebecca circled a finger around his biceps. “So, have Phan and David retreat to Camp One underground. At least they’d be well out of the line of fire three hundred feet under the ground.”
    Kent fingered the sides of his mouth to disguise his admiring smile . “That’s a great idea, Bec. Okay, that’s what I’ll suggest.” He paused, gazing into her emerald green eyes. “I love you more than you can ever know.”
    “Just promise me you’ll never pull a stunt like that again.” She dropped back down into one of the rickety chairs.
    The rattan squeaked loudly as he squeezed into the chair beside her. He slung an arm around her, pulled her in closer and pressed his mouth against hers. Her lips tasted so plump and delicious, he felt greedy for more. “I promise,” he breathed. Her full lips merged into his willingly, wetly, parting to invite his tongue inside. “Oh, Bec, I missed you so much.”
    His heart throbbed with passion and love where it had felt so empty just hours ago. He opened her lips with his tongue, tasting and exploring her mouth. Heat coursed through his body, and his arousal pressed urgently against his pants.
    The squeaking of the chair transformed into cracking and Kent and Rebecca fell on the floor, clinging to each other in a pile of woody bits—all that remained of the splintered chair.
    As she lay legs akimbo on her back, Rebecca threw her head back and burst out laughing. She pushed herself up on her hands and tucked a long lock of dark hair behind one ear. “Well, that was a surprise.”
    Kent leaned toward her and reached for her hand. He felt lighter than he’d felt all day seeing the joyous expression on his lover’s face. “Let me help you get up.”
    Once they stood, Rebecca brushed off her backside. “I think I have splinters in my butt.”
    “I can help with that.” Kent reached around behind her and plucked at the fabric of her pants. He itched to yank them off, so he could massage and knead her naked buttocks.
    “I’ve got more important things for you to do.” She grabbed his hand and yanked him toward the bed.”
    He stumbled along behind

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