The Undead Day Nineteen

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Book: Read The Undead Day Nineteen for Free Online
Authors: RR Haywood
just gets worse, ‘Maddox might not wake up…’
    ‘He wake,’ Lenski says, growling the words out. ‘He strong. Maddox no die. He strong. We go now.’
    ‘Lenski,’ Lilly blurts, running after the woman who turns to stalk out of the room, ‘Lenski wait…’
    ‘We no wait. We quick. We get guns…’
    ‘Lenski I cannot shoot a child…I don’t know if I can shoot anyone…Lenski, wait…’
    Her words are ignored as Lenski walks briskly through the rooms. Adrenalin starts to course and thrum through Lilly’s limbs. A shuddering sensation of pressure building. Of one danger passing as yet another presents itself. I’m fifteen. I can’t do this. ‘Lenski, please wait…’
    ‘We go quick,’ Lenski repeats without turning. ‘Get guns…lock guns…fix hole in wall…’
    I can’t shoot a child. I have to look after Billy. Why me? Why do I have to do this? I wish Nick was here. I’m only fifteen. I’m not an adult. The speed of the walking makes her mind flit back to the time spent with Nick and the field in which they kissed when she offered herself to him. His lips. Soft. His hands and arms. Strong. His manner. Gentle. His eyes. A killer. He could have taken her. She would have let it happen but he didn’t. That’s not our way. We do the right thing. Mr Howie said we have to do the right thing otherwise none of this is fucking worth it…shit! Sorry, Lilly, I keep swearing.
    That warm feeling inside when she thinks about him vanishes at the sudden rush of reality at the building pressure of a confrontation yet to come. She has seen the crews and the pack instinct is within them. The way they only take heed of each other and those they perceive as stronger than they. The deference they hold for Maddox and Howie’s team but the sullen skulky way they stare at everyone else. The way they suck their teeth and curl their upper lips as they spit and look aside with disdain and disrespect.
    Down the main aisle she rushes after Lenski. Watching the Polish’s woman back and knowing inside that everything Lenski said makes sense. The children on their own are nice, even polite sometimes. Lilly knows, without vanity, that she is pretty and has seen the difference in reaction at the way the boys are to her in contrast to their reaction to others but that physical appearance won’t hold sway now. Individually she could talk to them, maybe get them to understand and comply with consent but together? While they have that pack instinct and false bravado running through them? No way. Not a chance.
    I can’t do this. I can’t. I wish Nick was here. He’d be strong and they’d see his hard eyes that are never hard when he looks at her. In the old armoury she took them coffee and mops to clean the dog mess up. She kissed him then too. When Maddox was coming and Howie and the others all scooted back. She grabbed Nick and kissed him with an effort to give pretence to why she was taking so long. Only it wasn’t pretence and she felt first his shock, then his acceptance and finally his yearning for her. Nick. Come back. Please come back. She knows Howie’s team have lost Lani and must be reeling from the pain and shock. The sheer exhaustion too of everything they have done. Of all the battles, the fights, the running and never giving in. Doing the right thing. Do the right thing. That’s our way. Nick’s way. It can be my way too. I can do the right thing. I must do the right thing.
    Resolve comes back. Her back stiffens. Her eyes harden and the knuckles of her hand turn white from the pressure applied to the gun held ready. Do the right thing. Those children cannot be allowed to take control.
    ‘We be quick,’ Lenski says, slowing briefly as she reaches the exit door and turns to look back at Lilly, ‘you be ready, yes?’
    ‘Yes,’ Lilly mutters the word, nodding once and firm. Whatever it takes. Do the right thing. I wish Nick was here. I wish Mr Howie and Clarence were here. Paula, even Cookey would know how

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