The Tomorrow Heist

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Book: Read The Tomorrow Heist for Free Online
Authors: Jack Soren
killed the three armed guys waiting for their score.”
    â€œJesus,” Hank said. Then he realized what Harcourt had really said. “What do you mean ‘back then’?”
    Harcourt laughed before continuing. “I can’t believe you didn’t notice. This is why we need his help. If he makes it to Tenabe’s ship, he’s going need that arm to stay alive, never mind kill that Tatsu bitch.”
    â€œWait. He had it amputated? But he has both . . .” Then Hank remembered that Broden wore a glove on one hand. “Son of a bitch. I didn’t even notice it was fake.”
    â€œAin’t fake. Robotic. It’s very advanced and works just like a normal arm—­if a normal arm were made of titanium and had the strength of a trash compactor. Or, so the rumors go.” Harcourt smiled and winked, which made Hank even more uneasy. He kept thinking what would have happened if he’d tried to forcibly search Broden back at the car.
    â€œStill, like Broden said, it’s a lot of trust.”
    â€œI’m not a fool, Hank. Despite the talk,” Harcourt said. “He’s not going to have as much freedom as it appears.”
    â€œHow so?”
    Harcourt took a cell phone out of his pocket. The screen displayed a local map with a single point blinking on it. It was a map Hank was very familiar with. A map of Harcourt’s ranch. And the blip was about where his front door would be.
    â€œI didn’t just give him that card so he could get in and out of doors,” Harcourt said before handing the phone to Hank. “But that’s not my ace in the hole.”
    â€œWhat is?”
    â€œYou. You’re going with him.”

    Chapter Four
    8:00 P.M. Local Time
    J ONATHAN ENTERED HIS galley kitchen and set about making himself a cup of tea. As he waited for the water to boil, he thought about Emily. Or rather, the tea made him think of her. It was a green tea and bergamot blend that she’d introduced him to awhile back and it had quickly become his favorite. Now, every time he made a cup he thought of her; how they’d met and how Emily and Lew couldn’t seem to make things work on a permanent basis. It seemed a consequence of their lives that relationships were few and far between.
    As the kettle whistled, Jonathan found himself thinking about Sophia for the first time in weeks. Jonathan had met her at the same time Lew had met Emily. They’d hit it off, but before they became more than friends, they’d followed their own paths, and nothing ever came of it. But he thought about her often. When money was good, he even thought about grabbing a flight to Sri Lanka, where Sophia was heading up a research team at the university. But that was his loneliness talking.
    Jonathan took his tea into the living room and popped a copy of The Fifth Element into his entertainment system. He settled back in his recliner with his tea and watched the movie for about the hundredth time, trying to slow his frenetic mind with the sights and sounds of the wisecracking Bruce Willis, but he kept finding himself focusing on Milla Jovovich’s outfits. Before he could follow through on the idea to turn it off, a power nap grabbed hold of him and wrestled his consciousness to the ground.
    When he opened his eyes, the credits were rolling up the screen and his cell phone was ringing. He turned the movie off and grabbed his phone, hoping it was Lew so he could apologize. He knew if he tried to call Lew, he’d never answer. Not yet, anyway.
    It was Natalie again. He thought about what Lew had said in the café but rejected the call anyway. Jonathan was starting to doubt his decision to stay away from Natalie, but he wasn’t quite ready to throw in the towel just yet. Then he decided what he really needed was a little time off the grid. He put his phone on vibrate and dropped it into the bowl by the door where he kept his keys.
    He got

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