The Time Stone

Read The Time Stone for Free Online

Book: Read The Time Stone for Free Online
Authors: Jeffrey Estrella
Tags: Time travel
transposed matter into any location on the
    “ Amazing.”
    “ Ingenious!!!”
    “ Spectacular!” “I wonder
what runs it.” The comments began to flow spontaneously from the
crowd. Thereafter numerous voices speculated throughout the
audience in grandeur at the device that sparked a million
    “ Would you like to see it
in action?” said Broad Staffnight.
    The reaction of the spectators in the
room was a resounding yes when they applauded in
    “ Hit it Mario,” Broad
pointed proudly, displaying his courage like a talk show
    “ OK!” Mario typed in some
commands on the control interface, displaying a standard computer
keyboard, followed by pulling a lever beside the keyboard. Within
moments, a bright yellow light with a hot white core illuminated in
the interior of the pod at the center of the device and where there
was nothing, the light faded revealing that there was a person
inside. The pod door lifted up like a canopy, projecting itself
upward, and out stepped a beautiful woman with long blonde curls
and a rhinestone covered red dress, who danced before the
    “ Ladies and Gentleman,
meet the lovely Alexa!” Broad yelled as the room applauded loudly
with amazement. “As you can see the matter stream cuts both ways
making it possible to transmit to or from the device. Now I know
many of the eligible bachelors in this audience will be sad to see
the lovely Alexa go but we will send her back to the stage
preparation room. My dear, please step back into the
    “ Sure dearest.” She smiled
passing him and squeezing his rear end.
    “ Not here,” he smirked
with a devilish grin escorting her to the pod. The canopy closed
over her once again. Broad nodded. Mario typed in commands on his
keyboard and pulled the lever, causing the hot yellow-white light
to appear and lingering for a period of time longer. “What is going
on?” Broad asked curiously.
    “ I do not know,” said
Mario perplexed, “the matter stream is being blocked
    “ Blocked? Pull her back,
now!” Broad yelled as the audience stood in stunned
    “ Yes Sir” Mario pulled the
lever again and the light vanished leaving, a charred human corpse
in the pod, its skeletal features toppling over in the closed
canopy. The crowed sighed in heavy disbelief and Broad’s eyes
widened with hopelessness.
    “ Open it!” yelled
    “ But sir,” added
    “ Open it now!” Broad
yelled and Mario complied. The canopy rose up and the charred
remains of the lovely Alexa fell to the ground below. Broad dropped
to his knees as tears fell from his face. Mario scrambled with the
other scientists to clear the reporters and other members from the
stage and the curtain dropped ending the show for them.
    The lights of the studio in the
Chronix Bay Universal building were hot and bright. The cameras
focused their attention on one person, Sylvia Armstrong. “That is
what happened folks. The world’s first teleportation device as
devised by Temporo, Inc. is a failure that has taken a life. The
State Governor has ordered a full investigation and the
spokesperson for TI, Mr. Broad Staffnight could not be reached for
comment. It appears that the breakthrough in the next step of
transportation would be set back for a long while. This is reporter
Sylvia Armstrong signing off, Channel Nine news.” The television
clicked off and the remote control slammed onto the
    “ Get me Staffnight, now!”
screamed an elderly crumpled voice cloaked in darkness and
    “ Yes Sir, Mr.
Cumberberry,” spoke a corporate official running out of the office
in a panic.

    Alone on Main Street, James thought a
lot about what Syrus said and he wanted to better himself so he
decided to go to the clinic address on the business card. He turned
the street corner onto Bang Avenue nearly tripping over himself as
he stumbled back after almost bumping into a woman taller and
better built than he

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