of his Order that Baldwin still wore a small beard that followed the line of his chin. Few English knights affected a beard, but Baldwin felt it necessary, even if it did itch here in the warmer climates. He wanted to honour his dead comrades. It was for that same reason that he wore a Templar cross on his sword. The symbol of his faith was strongly engraved on the bright blue tempered blade, a constant reminder to him that he should use the weapon only to the glory to God – or his own defence. Sadly, it was this same sword which had led to this pilgrimage. He had used it to kill the wrong man. The memorymade him shudder, as though someone had walked over his grave.
Like all knights who had trained with lance and sword from youth, Baldwin was of a broad and muscular build. His face bore just one scar, from a raking knife-cut, but apart from that his features were unmarked. There were deep lines at either side of his mouth, but the main signs of his anguish at the loss of his Order had faded since he had been married to his Lady Jeanne two years ago – and especially since his daughter Richalda had been born. Since then his brown eyes had grown calmer, although they could at a moment’s notice achieve a powerful intensity. Some said he could see through a man’s soul when he studied them closely.
It was not true. Baldwin ran a hand through his hair. Once black, now it was threaded through with silver, just like his beard, although his eyebrows themselves were in fact still all black. No, it was not true. He could sometimes tell when a man lied, he could sometimes feel when a man was behaving dishonourably, but nothing more than that. All he possessed as a keen investigator of crimes was his knowledge of the world; that, and his unswerving loathing of injustice. Those two were all he needed as Keeper of the King’s Peace, because Sir Baldwin believed with every part of his soul that it was better that ten men who were guilty should be set free than that one innocent man should be punished. There was no more fundamental rule that governed his life. Years ago, when he was a callow young Templar Knight, perhaps he would not have believed so fervently in this principle, but now he had no doubt. Since seeing friends imprisoned, tortured to death, or slaughtered by slow roasting over a charcoal fire, his perspective had changed, because he knew that they were innocent.
Baldwin shook himself. This was no time to be thinking such grim thoughts. He was here because he had killed a man, an innocent man, and his pilgrimage was his way of atoning for that crime. Standing here in the Cathedral, his mind should bebent solely on the reason for his coming so far, not rehearsing the list of crimes against him and his comrades.
His eyes rose at that thought and he found himself gazing up into the eyes of the statue of Saint James. Then he felt a curious sensation: a tingling along his spine, not at all unpleasant, and he became aware of a conviction that here he need not beg forgiveness: it was offered freely. In Saint James’s eyes there was compassion and kindness – and understanding. Baldwin’s raw mood faded, and he found his normal optimism returning.
He was content. ‘Come, Simon. Let us go in.’
Gregory had entered the city with his soul weighed down by the recent attack. It had been so swift and ferocious, especially the way that the three strangers had joined in … it made him feel dull and uneasy, like an old man who is reminded of the magnificence of his youth when he sees other young men chasing women or drinking, and knows that all his own abilities are gone for ever. Just his luck that the first chance of protecting pilgrims would arrive when he was too old to help. Ironically, he still felt as young and virile as ever.
The feel of the horse between his thighs was, to a knight, almost a religious experience: separate, yet a part of him, rearing and plunging among the multitude of armour-clad men, turning and