The Surgeon's Convenient Fiancée (Medical Romance)
Jerry before she knew she had won the money, and he had signed the papers agreeing to the divorce,’ Fiona went on, somewhat wearily. ‘That’s crucial, you see. Otherwise she would automatically have had to share the money equally with her husband. She couldn’t stand to be with him any longer. He used to hit her, you know. I think he envied her because she was a successful artist, that she could do something good with her own talent.’
    ‘I…I didn’t know, of course,’ Deirdre said. ‘But I’m not surprised.’
    ‘That’s the only reason he’s hanging about,’ Fiona McGregor repeated bitterly, ‘pretending to be a father to the children.’
    ‘So the divorce was finalized?’ Deirdre asked hesitantly, not knowing the ins and out of divorce.
    ‘Yes…just. But she won the money before it was finalized, so Jerry is saying that he should have half of it. Then Moira becametoo ill, and deteriorated very quickly, before actually getting around to selling the house and other assets or trying to fight him.’
    ‘I see,’ Deirdre said, although it all sounded very convoluted and complicated, and she was not sure that she wanted to know all that.
    ‘She didn’t have the energy to do anything else, but her intentions were certainly known to her lawyer,’ Fiona went on sadly. ‘She had a will, leaving most of her estate to the children and something to me. Jerry has been trying to get it ever since, and doesn’t want to let go of the children for that reason.’ She gave a derisive laugh. ‘Otherwise, with no money, he would have been out of there before you could say “knife”. Certainly he would have left before she died…he didn’t want to have anything to do with her illness. All these legal things pending are the only reasons that he hasn’t brought a woman into the home, someone to live with him, not just as a nanny to the children. He wants to present a good image.’
    ‘I see.’
    ‘Thank God I’m their legal guardian under Moira’s will. Jerry owns half that house, sohe’s pretty well off in his own right. I’ll fill you in on more of the details tomorrow,’ Fiona promised.
    ‘Do the children know how much money there is?’ Deirdre asked.
    ‘No, I thought it better not to tell them the amount yet. It might make them think that they don’t have to make an effort in life. Though they’re pretty good kids, work hard at school.’
    ‘Yes…’ she said.
    ‘Where were you thinking of applying for a nursing job?’
    ‘Well, I just walked by the Stanton Memorial Hospital today and saw a notice that they need operating room nurses. I thought maybe I would try there,’ Deirdre said. ‘It was just a spur-of-the-moment thing, but I’ve been thinking for some time that I ought to take some action.’
    ‘You’re right, dear. We’ll talk tomorrow about that as well, shall we? We should have done this a while ago.’
    ‘You have to be quite sure that you can cope with it, dear…taking on a job in nursingand wanting to stay with the children, too. Of course, I’ll do more. I should have done more from the beginning. Are you sure it won’t be too much for you?’
    ‘I’m not sure, but I want both. The nursing job would be part of my individual life. Don’t you see?’
    ‘Yes, dear, I think I do. I blame myself for not seeing it coming. Perhaps I’ve taken you too much for granted, although I’ve tried not to.’
    ‘Don’t blame yourself,’ Deirdre said. ‘We’ll talk tomorrow.’
    ‘Goodnight, then, dear. Keep your mobile phone with you at all times. You call me right away if there’s any trouble with you-know-who, and I’ll come round there, with the police in tow if necessary. It’s a good idea to get an official report if you get threatened.’
    ‘Thank you. Goodnight.’ It had been good for her to talk to Fiona, who had suffered the loss of her only daughter whom she had loved desperately, so she had said. That event must be something that was always on

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