The Sun and Her Flowers

Read The Sun and Her Flowers for Free Online

Book: Read The Sun and Her Flowers for Free Online
Authors: Rupi Kaur
time during dinner
    they’ll tighten with fear
    when you ask to see me again next week
    but as soon as i say yes
    they’ll stretch out in ease
    when they grasp one another
    while we’re beneath the sheets
    the two of us will pretend
    we’re not weak in the knees
    when i get angry
    they’ll pulse with bitter cries
    but when they tremble for forgiveness
    you’ll see what apologies look like
    and when one of us is dying
    on a hospital bed at eighty-five
    your fingers will grip mine
    to say things words can’t describe
    - fingers

    this morning
    i told the flowers
    what i’d do for you
    and they blossomed
    there is no place
    i end and you begin
    when your body
    is in my body
    we are one person
    - sex

    if i had to walk to get to you
    it would take eight hundred and twenty-six hours
    on bad days i think about it
    what i might do if the apocalypse comes
    and the planes stop flying
    there is so much time to think
    so much empty space wanting to be consumed
    but no intimacy around to consume it
    it feels like being stuck at a train station
    waiting and waiting and waiting
    for the one with your name on it
    when the moon rises on this coast
    but the sun still burns shamelessly on yours
    i crumble knowing even our skies are different
    we have been together so long
    but have we really been together if
    your touch has not held me long enough
    to imprint itself on my skin
    i try my hardest to stay present
    but without you here
    everything at its best
    is only mediocre
    - long distance
    i am
    made of water
    of course i am emotional

    they should feel like home
    a place that grounds your life
    where you go to take the day off
    - the one
    the moon is responsible
    for pulling tides
    out of still water
    i am the still water
    and you are the moon

    the right one does not
    stand in your way
    they make space for you
    to step forward
    when you are
    and i am
    we are two suns

    your voice does to me
    what autumn does to trees
    you call to say hello
    and my clothes fall naturally
    together we are an endless conversation

    when death
    takes my hand
    i will hold you with the other
    and promise to find you
    in every lifetime
    - commitment
    it was as though
    someone had slid ice cubes
    down the back of my shirt
    - orgasm

    you have
    inside me
    - another lifetime
    god must have kneaded you and i
    from the same dough
    rolled us out as one on the baking sheet
    must have suddenly realized
    how unfair it was
    to put that much magic in one person
    and sadly split that dough in two
    how else is it that
    when i look in the mirror
    i am looking at you
    when you breathe
    my own lungs fill with air
    that we just met but we
    have known each other our whole lives
    if we were not made as one to begin with
    - our souls are mirrors

    to be
    two legs
    on one body
    - a relationship
    you must have a
    for a heart
    how else
    could a man
    be this sweet

    if you got any more beautiful
    the sun would leave its place
    and come for you
    - the chase
    it has been one of the greatest and most difficult years of my life. i learned everything is temporary. moments. feelings. people. flowers. i learned love is about giving. everything. and letting it hurt. i learned vulnerability is always the right choice because it is easy to be cold in a world that makes it so very difficult to remain soft. i learned all things come in twos. life and death. pain and joy. salt and sugar. me and you. it is the balance of the universe. it has been the year of hurting so bad but living so good. making friends out of strangers. making strangers out of friends. learning mint chocolate chip ice cream will fix just about everything. and for the pains it can’t there will always be my mother’s arms. we must learn to focus on warm energy. always. soak our limbs in it and become better lovers to the world. for if we can’t learn to be kind to each other how will we ever learn to be kind to the most desperate parts of

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