The Stranger (Red Hot Fantasies)
volunteer? But that wouldn’t really
be the same thing. You and I are comfortable together. There
wouldn’t be any of the awkwardness of being with a stranger.”
    Devlin smiled but shook his head. “No, I was
going to say that I could set you up with someone. Maybe introduce
you to a couple of my friends over drinks, to see if you hit it off
in a casual sort of setup.”
    “Oh.” As much as she’d protested, she’d
actually liked the idea that Devlin wanted to do some test dates
with her. The idea that he wanted to pawn her off on his friends
disappointed her for some reason.
    He pulled in front of her building and
parked the car, then walked around it and opened her door. She
stepped out of the car and, as she breathed in the fresh night air,
felt a little woozy. Devlin took her arm.
    “I think someone celebrated a little too
much to night.” He took her hand and rested it on his elbow, then
walked with her to the front door of her apartment building.
    She rarely had more than a glass or two of
wine with dinner, or a single cocktail in an evening, so the
champagne and piña coladas had definitely gone to her head. She
pulled her key from her purse and pushed it into the front door
lock and turned it. Devlin opened the door.
    “I’ll see you up,” he said.
    She walked beside him across the air-
conditioned lobby.
    He summoned the elevator and they stepped
inside. As the doors closed behind them, Sandra realized how small
a space it was and how tall Devlin was standing beside her. And how
broad his shoulders were.
    And how safe she felt around him.
    His arm brushed hers, and she realized he
hadn’t actually moved toward her; she’d listed a little to the left
and now leaned against him slightly. She should move away, but it
felt cozy leaning close to him like this. Her good friend. Her
    Her sexy, extremely masculine buddy.
    The elevator dinged and the doors opened.
She stepped into the hallway and walked toward her apartment,
Devlin by her side. The lights of the city glittered below them as
she walked toward the big window at the end of the hallway, where
her apartment door was. Devlin took her key from her fingers and
pushed it into the lock, then turned it.
    “You want to come in?” Sandra asked

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