The Stranger (Red Hot Fantasies)
    “Is this your weekend to-do list?” he asked,
eyebrows raised.
    “Well, maybe you and I can talk her into
it,” Aimee said with a wink. “I’ve convinced her to stretch her
imagination a little. Now we need to convince her to go a bit
    Devlin grinned, his amused gaze settling on
    “Especially now that she’s lifted her ban on sex.”
Aimee rested her chin on her hand. “A whole year without.” Aimee
shook her head and gazed at Sandra. “I don’t know how you lasted so
    Devlin watched Sandra’s cheeks blush softly.
He didn’t know how he’d lasted so long. From the first time he’d
met her, he’d been crazy about her. Aimee had told him Sandra had
recently divorced and how tough it had been on her, so he’d decided
to tread carefully. He’d gotten to know her, becoming her friend,
making sure to give her plenty of time, Hoping when she was ready,
she’d agree to go out with him. Then he’d show her why the two of
them were perfect for each other.
    But timing was everything. The woman hadn’t been
with anyone else since high school, and she was clearly on the
rebound. The first few guys she dated wouldn’t—shouldn’t—lead to
something permanent. He needed to wait it out awhile longer, let
her get a taste of the single life. Then once she was firmly
ensconced in the dating world, he’d swoop in and make his move.
    Sandra held one of Devlin’s arms and Aimee
the other as the three of them stepped outside into the warm
summer’s evening. Sandra took a deep breath and realized she felt
more than a little light- headed.
    “My car’s around the corner,” Devlin said as
he tugged her to the left.
    “I’m glad we’ve got you as our designated
driver,” Aimee said. “It beats taking the bus at this hour.”
    Sandra took the bus to work and no express
buses ran at this hour, so it would have been a long commute.
Sometimes Aimee drove her car, but Devlin hadn’t even asked. Aimee
and Sandra had both had enough drinks that he would ensure neither
of them drove. Even though Sandra didn’t need a guy looking out for
her, it was kind of nice that he did. Devlin was a good friend.
    He opened the front passenger door and
Sandra climbed in. Aimee got into the backseat—the usual
arrangement, since he would drop off Aimee first. As he drove,
Sandra relaxed in the front seat, her head against the headrest.
Suddenly she realized they’d stopped—she must have dozed off—and
Aimee was getting out of the car.
    “I’ll be back in a minute,” Devlin said.
“I’ll just make sure she gets in all right.”
    Sandra watched Devlin walk Aimee to the door
of her apartment building, wondering why the two of them weren’t
dating. Devlin was such a great guy, and available. Aimee really
was missing out. Sandra sighed. Maybe she should say something to
    A few minutes later, Devlin opened the
driver’s door and slid into the seat beside her. He pulled the car
into traffic again.
    “So, the year’s finally over.” He glanced
toward her, then back to the road. “Are you looking forward to
dating again?”
    She shifted in her seat. “Not really.”
    “Any particular reason?”
    “Well, I’m out of practice, for one.” She
glanced over at him. “And don’t say it’s like riding a bike.”
    He chuckled.
    “I guess I’m worried I won’t find anyone who
wants to date me.” She fiddled with her hands in her lap. “And then
I’m worried that if I do date someone, it won’t go well... I won’t
know what to say or do. That kind of thing.”
    “I’m sure you won’t have any problem finding
someone—probably a lot of someones—who would love to date you.”
    He gazed across at her. Was it her
imagination, or was there a heated interest in his eyes?
Butterflies quivered through her stomach, but she realized it was
most likely her imagination. Probably the alcohol hazing her
    “And if you want to go on a practice date or

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