letters of the alphabet and arrange them in three neat rows. I also put in periods and commas. By now I was getting excited, and not just because the magnet was swinging. There was a strange energy prickling at the back of my head and the base of my spine. I could have been imagining, it but I didn't think so. The charge was the same as that generated by a coming storm only much stronger and obviously much more localized.
It felt as if someone were really there.
Something. An energy being.
I returned to my bedroom and picked up my magnet. The sheet I placed directly in front of my crossed legs. Dangling the magnet by the string, I hung it over the alphabet, moving slowly through the letters, staring from A . It reacted sharply when it came to H , spinning clockwise.
“You want an H ?” I asked.
I wrote down H and started again from A . When I reached I it reacted.
“Hi?” I asked.
“You are saying hi to me?”
“Hi there,” I said. “Should I continue?”
“Should I ask questions first?”
“Who are you?”
The answer was long and slow in coming. But finally I had it and my heart was pounding. I capitalized what words I thought appropriate. The magnet did make use of my comma and period.
You may call me Mentor. I am you and I am not you. I am a higher aspect of you. I reside in what you would call a subtle body on a world six hundred and forty-two light-years from you. This world is called Ortee. We are advanced beyond the inhabitants of your planet, both materially and spiritually. Eighteen of your years ago, a portion of my consciousness left here and incarnated on your planet. That portion you call the soul.
“You've got to be kidding me,” I blurted out.
I had to work the magnet to get the answer.
I am serious, Daniel. I contact you at this time to make you and your friends aware of your mission.
“Which friends?”
You know the ones, the six of you.
“You mean Jimmy? Sal? Teri? Shena?”
And Gale.
“I hardly know Gale.”
But she is one of the six.
I was giddy. Cool, I knew her from the stars. Not that I really believed what was being spelled out, not in any absolute sense.
“Then she does love me?”
It is a mystery.
“What is our mission?”
To help humanity.
“Why us?”
All are born to help. But being from a higher world, you are especially qualified.
“What are our special qualifications?”
When you all awake to your true identity, they will manifest.
“How do we awaken ourselves?”
As a group, I will direct you.
“Will the others believe in you?”
Not at first. But they know me. I am their true friend.
“But exactly how will you awaken us?”
When you are all together, I will speak through you. There is a great power in your group consciousness. We will go to on isolated place.
Something odd occurred to me.
“Was Teri's dream accurate?”
There was truth in it. I placed the dream in her mind, many times.
“Did I get the idea for my story from you?”
You are writing your own story.
“We are the Star Group?”
“When you say you will speak through me, will it be like this New Age channeling?”
No. Channeling is dangerous. We communicate through a high form of telepathy. You will be aware at all times of who you are and what you are saying.
“Why is channeling dangerous?”
It produces distorted information. It also weakens mind-body coordination.
“Is there a possibility of distortion with you?”
If you have a deep desire, it can distort what information I am able to bring through you.
“Do I have such deep desires?”
“What are they?”
Your infatuation with Gale for one. But there are others. Be alert to them.
“OK.” I paused. “But is there any danger in doing this thing you want?”
Any knowledge can be used for constructive or destructive purposes. There is no danger in acting as my receiver. But the powers we intend to awaken in your group