The Siege of the Supers (The First Superhero Book 2)
the back wall of the bank and stopped myself in the alley. I ran back in through the hole I’d just made just in time to see the last of his doppelgängers get sucked into his body.
    The guns they’d been holding fell to the ground with a clatter. One of the hostages snatched one of them up and pointed it at Prime.
    I ran to the wannabe hero-hostage and yanked the gun from him, then threw it against the wall. I opened my mouth to say something, but was stopped by loud cracking sounds, followed by rumbling.
    Holocene appeared around the corner. “Get them out of here!” she screamed as she grabbed two hostages and dashed out of the building in a blur. It wasn’t until she came back seconds later for the next one that I realized what was going on and jumped into action.
    I grabbed two of the former hostages, ran out the building with them, and set them down by some police officers. I ran back in, grabbed some more, and ran out. Holocene and I had the building cleared in a matter of seconds.
    The building began to collapse in on itself.
    Prime was still in there.
    I ran in one last time as fast as I could. The building collapsed around me in slow motion. Rubble and dirt seemed to float in the air in front of me, but if I looked closely enough, I could see it slowly falling toward the ground. I ran through the holes I’d made earlier, putting together the puzzle pieces.
    In my haste and need to show up Holocene, I’d caused this. I was trying to be a hero, and instead, I’d brought down an entire building. Yeah, I’d saved the hostages, but there were a million other ways to do that that would’ve ended much better.
    I reached Prime and stopped for a second to grab him. The collapsing ceiling was just inches from the top of my head when I started running again. I ran out the hole in the back of the building and down the alleyway to the safety of the street.
    When I stopped I heard the deafening sound of the building collapsing behind me. A cloud of dust and rubble plumed through the street, and I had to cover my mouth to keep from inhaling it.
    Once the worst of it had passed, I grabbed Prime and threw him over my shoulder. I ran to the police and set him down in the back of a police car.
    I didn’t stop for the cameras, or for thanks. I jumped into the air and flew away, trying to out-fly my embarrassment.
    But no amount of flying could change the fact that my ego and I had just brought down an entire building.

    The Top of the Tower
    I landed on top of York Towers. It took everything I had in me to keep from punching a hole in the ground in frustration.
    I felt a cool itch in the back of my head.
    “Are you okay, Kane?” Samantha asked in a soft, sweet voice.
    I clenched my eyes shut and sighed. “Yeah. I’d just like to be alone for a little bit.”
    “Okay, well, you know where to find me,” she said.
    I felt her presence leave my mind.
    And felt another land right behind me.
    I whipped around and saw Holocene storming toward me. Before I could react, she planted a solid punch straight to my face. I fell to the ground, but didn’t fight back. I deserved what was coming.
    “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” she yelled. You probably could’ve heard her for miles.
    “How did you know I was here?” was all I could say as I stumbled to my feet. I could feel the bones in my face restructuring, popping back into place. It was a strange sensation, right on the edge of being painful. Like popping your knuckles. It was a feeling that I kinda missed.
    “I followed you, dumbass. I don’t want to ever see you within a hundred miles of Dallas again,” she fumed. Her cheeks were turning red with anger.
    “I was only trying to help, alright? I’ve been out of the game for a while. I’m a little rusty,” I snapped back.
    “Yeah? Well, leave the helping to the heroes, alright? Go back to whatever beach you’ve been kicking back on for the past six months, and stay out of my way.”
    Holocene turned around to fly

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