The Secret

Read The Secret for Free Online

Book: Read The Secret for Free Online
Authors: Loribelle Hunt
Tags: paranormal romance, paranormal erotic romance
working on getting closer, and this time she made it all the way to the fence—tall chain-link, with razor wire at the top. Too time consuming to scale and cross. There was too big a chance of getting caught that way by one of the roving guards. She pawed at the dirt, testing to see how compacted it was. Would it be easier to dig a tunnel under the fence?
    The fence had been countersunk into the ground, but before she could determine how deep, she saw movement on the lawn. Someone had made a half-assed attempt to decorate for Christmas. One corner of the lawn was still early-morning dim, but had been lit with white lights, and in their glow a tall, lanky male leaned against a palm tree, staring in her direction. She was downwind, her scent carried away from him on the breeze, and there was no way he could see her through the tall, thick grass and shrubbery. She repressed a shiver of fear, hoping she hadn’t compromised herself or the mission. Finally, with a lazy nod in her direction, he peeled away from his spot, his gait sneaky and furtive.
    The lion watched until he was out of sight, wondering if he was also an outsider or one of the rogues hiding inside. His actions seemed to suggest he didn’t belong there, but for all she knew it was just a ploy to draw her out. Testing his loyalty wasn’t an option, so she eased back toward the tree line just as cautiously as she’d approached. She did a quick sweep around the perimeter, staying back far enough to not be spotted or scented, and then headed back.
    Carlos was sitting in a glider on the back porch when she stepped onto the lawn. Thank God she’d had the foresight to bring her clothes into the swamp with her. She didn’t have to get a good look at his face to know he was pissed. Most likely at her. She decided to brazen it out, strolled over, and leaned her hip against the porch rail.
    “What’s up?” she asked.
    “Where the fuck have you been?”
    Strike that. He’d moved from pissed to furious. She shrugged, trying to maintain her nonchalant ruse. “Exploring. I’m the tracker, remember?”
    “Best I’ve ever seen,” he snapped, but there was consideration, questioning in his gaze.
    Uh-oh. He didn’t suspect, did he?
    “Makes me wonder why Julian keeps wasting you on this.”
    She had two choices. Denial, or tell him about her sister. But if she did, she’d have to give him a reason the rogues would go after a female, and a female she just happened to be related to.
    “I haven’t given him a choice,” she replied, making a split-second decision she hoped wouldn’t bite her in the ass later. “I think my sister is here somewhere.”
    His eyes narrowed. Clearly, he didn’t like her keeping secrets. “I didn’t know you had a sister.”
    “My twin. Her name is Jaz.”
    He stared her down a long time before nodding. “Here in south Florida, or here with the Society?”
    Ah, now, there was the question. Did she give him the truth or continue to protect her and her sister’s identities? He’d marked her. Claimed her. How long did she really expect to be able to keep the secret? Long enough to free her sister and help her escape again, at least. She hoped.
    “I started picking up rumors a few months ago that the Society was kidnapping women. One of the descriptions fits my sister.”
    It was part of the truth.
    “Why your sister?” he asked suspiciously.
    “I don’t know.”
    A lie.
    “Our father was a werelion.”
    Sprinkled with some truth. Would it be enough to deflect him? Possibly. For now. But she didn’t expect her luck to hold out. Eventually he’d want to know who her father was. What pride he was from and why she wasn’t with it.
    He stood, stripped off his clothes, and stepped around her. Her breath caught in her throat. He was magnificent. Lean, with ropy muscles that spoke of strength and speed. He smiled at the appreciation she knew shone in her eyes.
    “I’m going to look around. I think Asa is going after food. Why

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