The Second Horror
covered in a disgusting green goo. He rubbed it on his jeans. The slime stuck to his hand. The green glow brightened, casting the entire room in its sickening green. The foul odor rose up around him. I’ve got to get out of here, he thought. But no. He had to find out what was inside the closet. What was behind that door? He swallowed his nausea and forced himself back to the closet door. He gripped the slimy doorknob and turned it. The closet door pulled open. A flash of white light. What was it? What was in there? He didn’t see it until it was too late. And then it sprang out at him, choking off his terrified scream.

Chapter 10
    A flash of white. Heavy like smoke. Choking and sour. It burst from the closet as if shot out, and covered Brandt’s face in a white cloud. It—it’s strangling me, Brandt realized. He tore at the cloud wildly, frantically. But he couldn’t grab hold of it. Coughing, sputtering, and gasping for air, he staggered blindly toward the door to his room. And fell to his knees. The door swung open. The light came on. Mrs. McCloy uttered a frightened cry. “Brandt—what are you doing down there?” “Huh?” He gazed up at her, struggling to focus his eyes. “Mom?” She dropped down beside him. “Brandt?” “Mom, I—uh—” Brandt stared at the open closet door. What had happened? It was all gone now. No choking white cloud. No green glow. No putrid stench of death. All vanished the instant his mother opened the door. But Brandt knew it would be back. It’s after me, Brandt thought, unable to stop the trembling that convulsed his entire body. Something is in this house—and it’s after me.
    Well, well. You’re beginning to get it now, Brandt, Cally’s ghost thought. She laughed, watching him pace nervously back and forth in his room. He examined the closet for the tenth time. Then he sat down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking hard. You’re a smart boy, Brandt, Cally thought scornfully. You’re beginning to understand. Something is after you. I’m after you.
    Coach Hurley blew his whistle. “One on one!” he shouted. “Line up.”
    It was the next afternoon. Brandt stood at half-court, the basketball in his hand. Turning to one side, he saw Jinny and Meg watching from the bleachers. Jinny waved to him and shouted something he couldn’t hear. Hope I don’t mess up, Brandt thought. He’d been thinking a lot about both girls. He didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of them. “Burks, McCloy—go ahead!” Coach Hurley ordered. Why does the coach always pair me up with Jon? Brandt wondered miserably. He must think we’re friends or something. “Come on, McCloy. Let’s go,” Jon taunted. Brandt bounced the basketball. He crouched low, trying to dribble past Jon and shoot a basket. Jon guarded him closely. “Watch for fouls, Burks!” the coach yelled at Jon. “You led the team in fouls last year. I’m keeping my eye on you.” Brandt charged hard, trying to slip past Jon. Finally, with a loud groan of effort, he dodged to the left and took his shot. The ball hit the rim and dropped in. Scowling, Jon snatched the ball and ran to half-court. Brandt set his legs, prepared to guard him. Jon dribbled toward the basket. Brandt backed up, trying to stay with him. Then, with a burst of speed, Jon charged right into him. “Hey!” Brandt cried out as he toppled over backward. He landed hard on one elbow. Pain shot up his arm as the elbow scraped over the hardwood floor. The coach blew his whistle. “Jon! I warned you!” “I didn’t touch him!” Jon protested. “He tripped!” Shaken, Brandt sat up quickly to examine his elbow. He gasped as he saw the black bruise spread across his arm like a dark stain. No! he thought, frozen in horror, watching the black stain widen. My condition … The stain darkened and spread up his arm. How can I keep everyone from seeing it? Brandt wondered. Too late, he realized, gazing up. Coach Hurley and all the players were

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