see you’ve met our guest, Declan Barnes.”
The actress ignored Nora’s outstretched hand and looked back over her shoulder at Declan. “I thought we were the only people here this week.”
“You’re in the Lewis Carroll Suite,” Nora replied smoothly. She reached for the leather bag. “I’ll take that, Declan.”
“I have it,” he insisted. “It’s quite heavy.”
Fiona glared at him. “It holds all the stage makeup,” she said, ice dripping from each word. She swept past them and started up the stairs. “And I hope my room isn’t filled with little creatures from Alice in Wonderland .”
Behind her back, Nora stifled a laugh and whispered to Declan: “Oops—”
2 PM
Sean’s midday bottle, greedily consumed, settled easily on his stomach. Nora showered and decided to save her new dress, opting instead for capris and an untucked lavender shirt that brought out her green eyes. She scrutinized her image in the mirrored door of the antique armoire that held her clothes. Not as full-figured as Gemma Hartwell or with as pretty a face, Nora readily acknowledged, even as she noted that Gemma seemed awfully chummy with Grayson. Nora’s damp auburn hair would wave around her face as it dried, not at all sleek like Fiona’s bob, and she wasn’t as tall as the dark-haired beauty. Would Declan’s head be turned by the comparisons? God, she hated feeling like a schoolgirl again.
When Nora reappeared in the dining room, pushing Sean in his buggy, Declan was finishing one of the sandwiches Agnes had assembled for the guests.
“Want me to take him for a walk?” he offered. “You said you’re supposed to help Simon.”
“That’s Callie’s job today. With a full belly and fresh air, he’ll be satisfied.”
Nora felt flattered he’d offered. After all, she was a package deal. “You can keep me company instead.”
“No problem there.” His smile lit his eyes, and he suddenly crouched down to tweak the baby’s face. “You were right.”
“About what?” she asked.
“I’m a sucker for his smile—and for his mother.”
Callie appeared from the kitchen before Nora could stammer a reply. “He’s all ready for you, Callie,” Nora said.
“Off we go, then. Wave bye-bye to Mummy.” Callie thanked Declan for holding the heavy lodge door for her as she left.
He turned back to Nora. Her heart hammered in her chest. “Let me show you where the play will be held.” She held out her hand and he clasped it.
They were barely inside the drawing room doorway when he drew her to him. Nora fell into his embrace and the kiss that followed. “Nice to have you here in the flesh instead of on a computer screen,” she murmured. God, that was inane, but Declan merely nuzzled her neck.
Simon passed the doorway carrying a huge earthen jug, and they broke apart. Bloody teenagers, Nora thought, but she felt herself grinning. Simon propped the door open, letting in a gentle breeze that brought with it the sweet scent of bluebells flowering under the hawthorn tree in the front yard.
“I’d better get to work,” she whispered, then louder: “So the chairs go here, and risers will elevate a stage in front of the windows.”
“Very nice.” Declan walked with her into the hall. “Thanks for that sandwich. I’ll unpack unless I can do something constructive.” He raised an eyebrow, his look filled with meaning.
“See you later.” She joined Simon at the desk. If he noticed her high color, Simon chose not to comment.
Nora consulted Kate’s listing. “Gemma Hartwell plays Elvira, the first wife’s ghost who makes life miserable for Charles Condomine. That’s the part I played. She’s in the Shakespeare Suite. Kate said Grayson chose the rooms, right?”
Simon nodded. “He gave himself the suite with the best water view.”
“I think it’s interesting he installed Gemma right next door and put Fiona in the farther
Massimo Carlotto, Antony Shugaar