The Rooster (Erotic Apocalyptic Thriller)

Read The Rooster (Erotic Apocalyptic Thriller) for Free Online

Book: Read The Rooster (Erotic Apocalyptic Thriller) for Free Online
Authors: Richard Peters
Tags: thriller, Erótica, Zombie, post apocalyptic, domination fetish
was my
imagination, but those pupils were even more ovoid and predatory
than I remember. She marched me to the shed. I tried undressing as
soon as the door closed. Get this disaster over as fast as
    “Stop. Same John as always. A hard on with
    Oh God. What kinky stuff did she have in
    “I need you for a different assignment.
You’re going to tell another little lie for me.” I forced a smile.
Tried to look more confident than I felt.
    “You’re pushing your luck too far, Daniella.
It’s been so long. The boss won’t believe that was rape now.”
    Was it the poor light in here or did her
eyes actually grow darker? I’m sure her voice picked up an even
deeper satanic ring. “We won’t be worrying about the boss anymore.
Not if you do what I tell you. A little birdy told me you have an
appointment tonight with one of her top henchwomen. You’re going to
confess over some pillow talk about missing your compadres.” My
blood raced. How did she learn about them?
    Daniella pulled out a map. “You’ll let it
slip that you were part of a larger group, including several men,
right here. That’s it. I’ll take care of the rest.”
    I bought some time to think if this could
somehow endanger the real survivors. “Why? What could you possibly
gain?” I didn’t expect an answer and sure as hell not the truth.
That’s why she scared me shitless with that tiger smile.
    “Isn’t it obvious? I have almost as many
loyal shooters as the boss, so she doesn’t trust my reports. An
external opportunity is the only way to get her to assign me enough
extra personnel and heavy firepower to challenge her dominance.
I’ll be the queen of this roost in 24 hours, with your help.”
    She slid closer and ran her fingers over my
chest. Despite the gesture, her self-indulging smile held no trace
of sensuality. “You’re at an impasse in your life. I’ve got my own
men squirreled away outside the wire. I don’t need you. So if you
help me, you’ll have free reign to fuck whoever you want. How’d you
like to own your dick again? For all I care, you can cart off a
couple of your favorite bitches and go back to wherever you came
    Now her voice came with a sultry pitch as
she pushed a blade to my member. “Or I can make you my first Eunuch
slave. Your call, big boy.”
    For the first time ever, I was happy to hear
gunfire. The shock on Daniella’s face when those rounds fired off
from inside the motor bay was priceless. She absentmindedly waved
the knife in my face before rushing outside. “You stay right
    Over the bedlam I heard Rachel apologizing.
Peeking out the window, I was perversely relieved to see Espinoza
jogging up with her ever-present armed entourage. “What the fuck is
going on here?”
    Rachel cast her eyes down and laid on the
meekness. “I’m sorry, boss. Just a function check on the new gun
and I guess I had an accidental discharge. I fucked up, ma’am.”
    Espinoza holstered her weapon. “You can say
that again. So the stuck up, smart ass bitch turns out to be
retarded.” She laughed with relief. “I thought for a minute someone
was putting John down.” The rare laughter cut short. “Wait a sec.
Jessica. Where the hell is John? I thought I told you he was never
to get out of your sight?” While my “little boss” gesticulated and
turned pale, I had the first flash of courage in a long time.
    I stripped down and snagged Daniella as she
ran past the door, trying to slip out the back of the maintenance
lot. I threw her against a locker and dry humped her leg. Making as
much of a racket as a frigging orgy. Didn’t last long. She snarled
and, with freakish strength, threw me to the floor in seconds. I
did manage to rip a few buttons off her camo blouse as I fell. With
more luck than I expected, she wore no T-shirt underneath in this
heat. I snapped her bra open too, but she just howled and dived on
top of me. Beating the crap out of my face the whole time.
    On the

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