The Room

Read The Room for Free Online

Book: Read The Room for Free Online
Authors: Hubert Selby Jr.
your fucking head. He looked a wall right in the eye and defied it to make a move. Just one single move. Or say a word and he/d tear it apart. He/d pulverize the cement into powder. If only there was a face to scream into. A face that would say something and he could take the words and shove them down the faces throat. Or beat his fucking breast, or kick the fucking door
    o shit, staring at the wall
    He sat on the edge of the bed and let his body slowly relax and shook his head in disgust. It was a bitch. A goddamn bitch. He knew where he was. Youre fucking well right he did. There was no bullshit about that. He was right where he was. And so was that wall. And that one. And the door and the ceiling and the floor and the bars on the window and the commode in the corner and the sink on the wall and the goddamn pimple on his cheek. And the rats ass bunk he was sitting on. Real. All of them. Yeah, he knew where he was. Just as sure as krist made little apples he knew where he was. But if only he could dream the sonofabitch away. Just close your eyes and dream it away.Not even lay down or anything else. Just close your eyes and let the bastard disappear. Open your eyes and walk through the fucking door. Open or closed just walk right the fuck through it. Thats all. Bye, bye baby.
    O fuck, stretching out on the bed and covering his eyes with an arm. I wish theyd turn the lights off for a while. Just for 5 fucking minutes. Thats all. Just 5 minutes so maybe you could get some rest.
    Rest? Aint that a fucking joke. Theyd rather die than let you get any rest. Just a little darkness. Thats all. Just a little darkness. Is that so much to ask for. Theyd even save money if theyd turn off the lights. Just complete darkness so you cant see a thing. No corners. No walls. No window. No nothing. Just a big black nothing. Thats all. And they act like youre asking for the world. And all I want is a big, black nothing. And I wont even whistle. But they love the light. Krist how they love it. Theyll give you every fucking shade of gray in the world, but just dont ask for black. No shadows. Have to have a little light in those corners. Just has to be. Just enough so you cant rest. Thats the whole idea. Just enough so you cant rest. They dont want you to lose any time. Dont want you to slip through a few hours by sleeping – the cell door clanged open – the rotten mother-fuckers.
    He got up and went to the mess hall. It was bright. The trays were bright and shiny. He leaned against the wall with the others, slowly moving an inch or so every now and then. And everything was dull. The talk. The food. The people. Dull. All dull. When he finished he went back to his cell, threw some water on his face, dried it, then sat on the edge of the bed waiting for the door to be locked.
    He didnt know what he was thinking, if anything, but he could feel something moving around inside him. He could feel his arms and legs getting tingly. He wished ta krist theyd hurry up and lock his door. Theyre always right on your ass making sure you dont go this way, or look that way, and now they take their own sweet time about closing his door. What in the hell is taking them so long. The goddamn thing should be locked by now. For kristssake. How fucking long do you have to sit around waiting for some dumb sonofabitch to lock your door. The meal was over hours ago for krists sake. If the sonofabitch was locked and you wanted it open they damn sure would keep it locked. But now, all of a sudden, they wont lock the sonofabitch. Anything to break your balls, the rotten motherfuckers, his fists and jaw clenched, getting tighter and tighter. Krist, no matter what you ask them to do they wont do it. Doesnt make a fucking bit of difference what it is, they wont do it if – the door clanged shut.
    He stared at it for a moment,
    then swung his right arm around and smashed the pillow. He growled as he grabbed it with his left hand and pounded it with his right again and

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