conviction. Panzer shuffled his feet and coughed nervously; Velie ’ s face was a study in concentrated thought; Ellery stepped backward and fell into a rapt contemplation of his father ’ s gray-and-blue necktie.
Inspector Queen stood biting his mustache. He shook his shoulders suddenly and turned on Velie.
“ Thomas, I ’ m going to give you a dirty job, ” he said. “ I want you to marshal a half-dozen or so of the uniformed men and set ‘ em to a personal examination of every soul in this place. All they have to do is get the name and address of each person in the audience. It ’ s quite a job, and it will take time, but I ’ m afraid it ’ s absolutely necessary. By the way, Thomas, in your scouting around, did you question any of the ushers who take care of the balcony? ”
“ I got hold of the very man to give me information, ” said Velie. “ He ’ s the lad who stands at the foot of the stairs in the orchestra, directing holders of balcony tickets to the upper floor. Chap by the name of Miller. ”
“ A very conscientious boy, ” interposed Panzer, rubbing his hands.
“ Miller is ready to swear that not a person in this theatre either went upstairs from the orchestra or came downstairs from the moment the curtain went up on the second act. ”
“ That sort of cuts down your work, Thomas, ” remarked the Inspector, who had been listening intently. “ Have your men go through the orchestra boxes and orchestra only. Remember I want the name and address of every person here ― every single one. And Thomas ―”
“ Yes, Inspector? ” said Velie, turning back.
“ While they ’ re at it, have ‘ em ask these people to show the ticket stubs belonging to the seats in which they are sitting. Every case of loss of stub should be noted beside the name of the loser; and in cases ― it is a bare possibility ― where a person holds a stub which does not agree with the seat number of the chair in which he ’ s sitting, a notation is also to be made. Think you can get all that done, my boy? ”
“ Sure thing! ” Velie grunted as he strode away.
The Inspector smoothed his gray mustache and took a pinch of snuff, inhaling deeply.
“ Ellery, ” he said, “ there ’ s something worrying you. Out with it, son! ”
“ Eh? ” Ellery started, blinking his eyes. He removed his pince-nez, and said slowly, “ My very revered father, I am beginning to think that ― Well, there ’ s little peace in this world for a quiet book-loving man. ” He sat down on the arm of the dead man ’ s seat, his eyes troubled. Suddenly he smiled. “ Take care that you don ’ t repeat the unfortunate error of that ancient butcher who, with his twoscore apprentices, sought high and low for his most treasured knife when all the time it reposed quietly in his mouth. ”
“ You ’ re very informative these days, my son, ” said the Inspector petulantly. “ Flint! ”
The detective came forward.
“ Flint, ” said Queen, “ you ’ ve had one pleasant job tonight and I ’ ve another for you. Think your back could stand a little more bending? Seems to me I remember you took a weight-lifting contest in the Police Games when you were pounding a beat. ”
“ Yes, sir, ” said Flint, grinning broadly. “ I guess I can stand the strain. ”
“ Well, then, ” continued the Inspector, jamming his hands into his pockets, “ here ’ s your job. Get a squad of men together ― good Lord, I should have brought the Reserves along with me! ― and make an exhaustive search of every square foot of the theatre property, inside and out. You ’ ll be looking for ticket stubs, do you understand? Anything resembling half a ticket has to be in my possession when you ’ re through. Search the theatre floor particularly, but don ’ t neglect the rear, the steps leading up to the balcony, the lobby outside, the sidewalk in front of the theatre, the alleyways at both sides, the lounge downstairs, the men ’ s room,