Everything You Are

Read Everything You Are for Free Online

Book: Read Everything You Are for Free Online
Authors: Evelyn Lyes
Ian, grimacing. “But who wants to eat oatmeal?”
    “I do.” Jane stepped into the room.
    “Coffee, please. And eggs would be nice.” Ian stood and stretched, observing Jane from the corner of his eye. She had tied her hair into a ponytail and put her glasses on. She was still dressed in her pink shirt, but had put on a knee-length leggings. A shame really, since he wouldn't mind seeing more of her skin.
    She rushed past him.
    He scrutinised the way the pink fabric fell over her hips and the curve of her ass. There was something enchanting in the way the shirt shifted and clung to her curves as she walked. Desire pooled in his loins almost painfully and strained against the cotton fabric of the borrowed pyjama pants that were much too small for him.
    “What kind of eggs do you want? Scrambled or fried?” Mark's voice broke through the haze of Ian's lust.
    Ian blinked. “Scrambled, please.” He glanced down at the bulge in his pants. How could that be happening? And because of Jane? Because of little mousy Jane, his efficient, flat-chested assistant. He was a breast-man, not an ass-man. And yet, here he was, with an erection because of a few glances at the girl's ass. “The bathroom is behind the second door by the entrance, right?”
    “Yes,” Mark said. “Don't take too long, the eggs should be done in five.”
    Ian nodded. It only took him three minutes to take care of his problem by splashing cold water on his face and distracting himself with thoughts of one of his business projects. He found his pants and shirt folded on the cabinet beside the sink. Even though the shirt carried the smell of his sweat, he put his clothes on and returned to the kitchen.
    Coffee and eggs waited for him and he sat behind the table, beside Jane who played with an apple, while Mark danced before the stove, whistling.
    “Is he always this perky in the morning?”
    “No, just when we have guests.” Jane cut the apple into quarters. “Why did you stay the night? I mean, wouldn't it have been more comfortable to go home and sleep in your own bed?”
    “Yes, it would have been. But I was too drunk and too lazy to drive home or to call a taxi. It was easier to spend the night on your couch.” Which was just an excuse.
    “I wouldn't have taken you for a man who likes to crash on other people's couches.” She offered him a piece of apple.
    “No, thank you.” He took a slice of bread out of the basket in the middle of the table. “I'm not. This is a first for me.”
    “That's probably because when you sleep over at your friends’ places, they can offer you a room.” With a jar and a yogurt in his hand, Mark joined them and occupied the chair on Ian's left.
    “That's correct,” Ian said. He rarely used their hospitality though, and he only accepted an offer to come up for a nightcap when that was a coded invitation for sex. Yet, he had so easily accepted Mark's offer, not only for a drink in their flat, but to spend the night. He had even ditched Amanda… He’d have to buy her something to make it up to her, a bracelet, something with rubies. His curiosity about Jane was going to cost him. But he wanted to learn more about this inconspicuous girl who had made enough of an impression on his father that he had offered her a job, and who had also been noticed by his beauty-loving brother. “My father found you in a grocery store parking lot, right?”
    “What were you doing?” Ian picked up a fork and took a bite of eggs. They were good, fluffy and with just the right amount of salt. He dug in.
    “Battling with groceries, as usual.” Mark popped open the lid of the container and piled the yogurt into his bowl.
    Jane scowled at Mark before she turned to Ian. “I was using physics to strategically arrange items for a logistical purpose.”
    “Of course you were.” Mark chuckled. “She does that all the time. She buys too many groceries and then when she can't fit them onto the bicycle, she tries to push

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