The Rising Sun: Episode 1

Read The Rising Sun: Episode 1 for Free Online

Book: Read The Rising Sun: Episode 1 for Free Online
Authors: J Hawk
Tags: Science-Fiction, Space Opera
    With a rough
chuckle, Grando slowly turned and strode before the bound man on
the chair. “But trust me, they’ll have nothing to fear … when
compared to you, Racowl.” He bent before the chair, bringing his
face mere inches to Racowl’s mutilated one. “For your sake, I hope
you’ve fully understood the true graveness of your position right
    Racowl’s pupils
were wide with terror, as they watched Grando with a reeling
    “Tell me right
now exactly how much information about us you’ve leaked to the
secret forces,” Grando paused and swallowed a quick breath. “And I
may just let you live without a limb or two.”
    Drawing himself
up straight, he turned to face the door to see if the Rash-con he
had sent had returned, before turning back to face Racowl.
    “The secret
forces haven’t done a great job this time.” he said. “They put a
spy in a lethal terrorist group. A very bad spy … who had gotten
himself caught a little too easily.”
    The six men
laughed harshly.
    “And now,”
Grando bent down before the bound man again, his voice sinking to a
dangerous hiss. “that spy is sitting in the interrogation room,
badly tortured … and not far from his death.” He waited for the
terror to effect in Racowl’s bulging eyes before adding softly,
“But if you’d still like to defend your friends in the secret
forces, who have not a care as to what’s happening with you now, be
my guest.”
    He reached for
the gag stuffed into Racowl’s mouth and plucked it out. Racowl gave
a rugged cough, and then burst out, “I swear, I didn’t tell them
anything! I told them nothing, I-” He stopped with a gasp of pain
as Grando dove his fist into his stomach, making him bend over on
the chair, heaving for breath.
    “Wrong answer.”
Grando breathed coldly. “I know you’ve leaked information about
this terrorist organisation to the secret forces – as if I didn’t
have enough problems concerning the authorities already.”
    “I haven’t
leaked anything!” squealed Racowl, shaking his head fervently. “The
secret forces haven’t heard from me yet.” His voice was filled with
desperacy. “Please, you have to believe me!”
    The sound of
the door hissing open came from behind Grando, who felt a smile
rise to his lips. “Let’s see if I do.”
    He turned to
see the Rash- con he had sent earlier march back in, holding
something with both arms. As he reached Grando at the end of the
room, the Redling snatched the gun from the Rash-con’s hands,
surveying it with wild eyes.
    This was the
Stinger … The most unfailing torture weapon there was. This was the
finale. If Racowl didn’t budge even for this, then it would mean
that he was telling the truth after all … or that he was too tough
for even the Stinger. Knowing the amount of pain triggered in the
target’s nervous system by the Stinger’s shots, Grando knew he
would settle for the former.
    Lifting his
eyes from the gun, he met Racowl’s terror filled ones, and a sense
of savage glee arose within him. The six men were now watching
closely, their faces holding a brutal joy in anticipation of what
happened next.
    Grando held the
Stinger aimed steady at Racowl, who clearly knew enough to be
terrified beyond himself.
    “Last chance,
Racowl.” he called. “Is there anything you’d like to tell me?”
    Racowl shook
his head wildly, his eyes wide with alarm as they stared at the tip
of the Stinger, which was held aimed right at him. The only sounds
he seemed to be able to emit were terrified, inaudible
    Grando squeezed
the gun’s trigger.
    A bolt of
bright yellow sprang from the tip of the barrel, soaring across the
distance between them, and smashing into Racowl squarely on the
chest. His chair rocked backwards on the impact. Racowl released a
loud, drawn out scream of agony.
    The men jeered
with laughter, clearly finding the

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