The Relict (Book 1): Drawing Blood

Read The Relict (Book 1): Drawing Blood for Free Online

Book: Read The Relict (Book 1): Drawing Blood for Free Online
Authors: Richard Finney, Franklin Guerrero
Tags: Zombies
    Dietz began checking his blood pressure.
    Then he stuck a needle into Matt’s arm, extracting some blood. He read the digital summary and raised an eyebrow.
    “AB negative. The rarest blood type. I'm betting you already knew that...”
    The doctor performed some more tests and then motioned for Matt to proceed.
    “Now what happens?”
    “I’m not allowed to spoil the surprise. But I will see you on the other side.”
    Still naked, Matt and the other prisoners were led to the largest area in the building. In a single-file line, they were spaced out until each of them stood in front of their own small, empty room.
    Over a loudspeaker came the voice of one of the CCC guards.
    “When you hear the whistle, you are to step forward and enter the stall in front of you.”
    The sound of a whistle was piped over the loudspeaker.
    Most of the prisoners did exactly as they were told and entered their individual holding pen.
    A few of the newbies ignored the sound and stood in place.
    Matt was one of those reluctant to move forward.
    One of the CCC guards rushed up and shoved a baton into his back, which sent him sprawling headfirst into his stall. The access door slammed shut behind him.
    Matt stood up and looked around his pen. Even in almost pitch blackness, he could see that the walls, like the floor, were solid concrete. But there was no ceiling. He could see all the way to the top of the building, which had been made of glass. Matt could see that it was now nighttime outside.
    There was a loud voice from a few stalls away. “You go to hell! I’m a lawyer for Christ’s sakes! You can’t treat me like this!”
    Matt had no trouble recognizing Bunny’s voice… or the unmistakable noise of several baton blows to his body.
    Eventually, the screams from Bunny and the other resisting prisoners fell silent.
    One of the concrete walls in Matt’s holding pen slowly rumbled open, revealing a completely pitch-black void on the other side. Whatever rays of moonlight were streaming through the glass ceiling were not shining on the other side of the stall opening.
    Just as Matt decided to brace himself for the worse, three shadows streaked across the stall. He managed to throw a kick in the direction of the shadows, but that only made it easier for him to be taken down when his head slammed against the solid concrete.
    Pain from the impact radiated through his body.
    He then felt a jabbing sting coming from his throat and wrist.
    His reaction was silenced before it could emerge from his mouth.
    Then all of the pain that had been shooting through his body was silenced as well.
    From that point on, Matt felt disconnected from his body.
    He was still aware of what was happening, but it was as if his head had been severed from his body, and was floating above the pen like a balloon, allowing him to see the rest of his body being assaulted by three vampires.

Chapter Eight
    Once again Matt had a grip on Dr. Dietz’s wrist.
    “You need this shot.”
    “Like I needed three vampires draining me of my blood?!”
    “The alternative was your execution… and maybe mine.”
    “I guess the sanctity of the patient-doctor relationship was a casualty of the takeover.”
    “I didn’t lie to you. You’re alive... and you’re not one of them. Taking your blood and turning you are two different processes.”
    Matt finally let go of Dietz’s wrist.
    The doctor had to wiggle his fingers to get some feeling back.
    As soon as he felt the sensitivity returning, Dietz plunged the needle into Matt’s bicep and injected a B-vitamin supplement.
    “If it makes you feel any better, what you went through won’t be repeated. The experience was meant to make you more compliant the next time you donate blood.”
    Matt just stared at him without responding.
    Dietz grabbed one of the Blood Donation Center’s “welcome packages.” It contained a towel, a wash cloth, an orange jumpsuit, and small toiletry kit that included soap,

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