The Reaper: No Mercy
The speaker was the Army man who called himself Platoon Sergeant Rodriguez. Ringo scowled at him.
    "A bunch of my men were killed by some of your Army boys," Ringo replied, but the Army dude was already shaking his head.
    "Not any of mine, I assure you. I told you last week we wouldn't interfere with you if you left us alone. That still stands!"
    "Then how can you explain a dozen of my men taken out with headshots? That has military written all over it. Snipers, man." Ringo let his anger and frustration show as he fingered the .44 Magnum strapped to his thigh, the palm of his hand resting on its grip as his fingers flexed outward, then inward. He could see the maneuver upset the man before him and inwardly he grinned.
    Immediately the gun mounted on top of the vehicle swiveled around and Rodriguez took a step back before replying.
    "If you really want to try something, go ahead. You have the numbers but we have the experience and firepower. How fast can you outrun a .50 caliber round? We had nothing to do with it and just want to be left alone, but if you push, we'll put a hurt on you that you won't ever forget," Rodriguez warned.
    Ringo looked up into the muzzle of the machine gun pointed at him and felt renewed rage. This was too much! Then and there, he vowed to come back and fuck these guys up for this shit. He couldn't help himself. Even as the vehicle loomed over him, he didn't care. This was his turf and nobody fucked with him.
    He didn't actually know what the armored vehicle was. Only that it was big at fifteen feet tall or so, the muzzle perched on top was large, and worst of all, the damn thing was aimed straight at him. That alone pissed him off even more as he rounded on Rodriguez.
    "Then who was it?" Ringo scowled again as he gazed at this man before him.
    "You're asking us? We mind our own business and will be out of here soon. We do not want any trouble, but we'll dish it out if needed." Rodriguez scowled back while taking yet another step back.
    Inwardly, Ringo congratulated himself, as he knew people. He had an instinctive grasp on what they were feeling, and the more scared they were, the more apparent it was to him. He now knew these military assholes had nothing to do with what happened earlier. It was obvious these Army boys were scared of him, and his men, and were trying to keep the peace before moving on. That suited Ringo just fine. Not that he didn't think he could take them. Just that he didn't wish to lose half, or most, of his men doing so. It was a matter of numbers after all, and he had only so much cannon fodder.
    "So you'll let me know if you figure out who it is?"
    "I think not, Mr. Ringo. If someone is out to get your men, we will not interfere either way."
    "Alright, fine. We'll continue to stay away from you as long as you stay away from us. I still think your boys had something to do with this," growled Ringo.
    "Not us, but I can't say it's not warranted." replied Rodriguez. Damn, the man was showing some spine after all , thought Ringo, and he knew he needed to stamp this down hard and right now.
    "If I see one of your boys even near our place I'll kill them, then I'll come after you!" Ringo was beyond angry. He hadn't learned anything, and had only wasted his time. He was mad, just barely able to control himself, and again vowed that nobody would fuck with him and live.
    "Acknowledged. Goodbye." Just this soldier boy's smart ass attitude pissed him off and Ringo knew he had to get out of there, or it would be on!
    Fuming, Ringo climbed back in his truck and signaled Duane to leave.
    Platoon Sergeant, or SFC Dennis Rodriguez watched as the leader of the gang sped off and the other assembled cars and trucks turned to follow. As the last one disappeared from sight, Rodriguez finally turned back to the M-ATV, breathing a sigh of relief before climbing inside. As he thumped the helmet of his driver to head back, his mind turned to the events that had just occurred. It was only

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