The Plume: The Second Anthology
more ample than many of the women at the Plume, and
this corset made her even more curvy.
    The garters attached to black stockings with
seams up the backs, and her black high heels had pink bows on the
toes to match the trim on the lingerie. Her dark hair was wound up
in a retro coil, her lipstick and fingernail polish that same vivid
    “Something like that,” Tex agreed. He and
Amanda had joined the permanent staff at the Plume at roughly the
same time, and had quickly realized that the attraction between
them was less important than their similar sense of humor. They’d
become good friends over the years, and routinely confided in each
    Tex waved to Tony, the bartender, and
indicated Amanda. Tony nodded and made a frozen strawberry
marguerita, Amanda’s favorite.
    “You are the best,” she said when the drink
was set down in front of her. She gave him a kiss on his cheek.
“Why hasn’t some smart chick snapped you up already?”
    The question just made Tex more glum. He
didn’t answer.
    Amanda closed her eyes in appreciation as she
took a sip of her drink. “Perfect. Especially after this
    She nodded. “Everyone changing their mind,
all at the same time. Maybe some planet is retrograde or
    Tex almost smiled. “I’m sure you pulled it
all together.”
    Amanda looked up at him suddenly. “Hey, is
that what’s bothering you?”
    “You put in a request to see Tess when she
came back.”
    “Yes, but she’s gone for a few weeks
    Amanda shook her head as she sipped her
drink. “Nuh uh. She’s back already. Change of plans.”
    Tex straightened as the night showed more
promise. “But why didn’t you tell me already?”
    Amanda grimaced. “She said she wanted
something different.”
    Tex was stunned. He looked across the dance
floor, unable to believe that he’d been so wrong about Tess.
    Amanda put her hand on his arm. “The Count
was looking for pussycats, so I set her up there. See?” And she
pointed across the bar to the Count and his four pets.
    Tex stared, unable to help himself. The four
women were dressed in sheer bodysuits that clung to their curves
and were painted with cat markings. There was one white, one black,
one calico and one charcoal kitty. They wore hoods that covered
their hair and had matching furry ears, like cat ears. The front of
each bodysuit was transparent, showing their nipples, and the
bodysuits were crotchless as well. Each woman wore tall matching
boots with high heels and had a thick lush furry tail that trailed
on the floor. They each had jeweled collars and leashes, and the
Count held all four leashes with one hand as he chatted. The
pussycats twined around his legs and rubbed against him, mewing for
his attention.
    As Tex watched, the Count rubbed one under
the chin, then kissed her.
    “It’s like something out of Barbarella,”
Amanda said, laughter in her tone. “But whatever works for
    “But where’s Tess?” Tex asked, his words
    “What do you mean?”
    “She’s not there.”
    “Sure. She’s the calico.” Amanda sipped her
drink. “Wow, this is good.”
    “No,” Tex insisted, taking a good look. “No,
she’s not.” He turned to face Amanda. “That’s not Tess.”
    Amanda stared at him, nearly dropping her
drink. “You are kidding me, right?”
    Tex shook his head.
    “But she called on her cell. The caller
identification matched and the system loaded her file
automatically.” Amanda had turned pale as she looked across the
floor at the Count and his kittens. “She tricked me. I wonder who
she really is.”
    “Someone who wanted into the Plume without
following the rules,” Tex said, his anger rising. Was Tess okay? He
wished he knew how he could check on her. Maybe this bitch had just
stolen her phone. Maybe it was worse than that. “Did you check her
ID when she arrived?”
    Amanda shook her head, her gaze rising to
meet Tex’s. “Rex is going to kill

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