The Pirate's Willing Captive

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Book: Read The Pirate's Willing Captive for Free Online
Authors: Anne Herries
mockingly. ‘Most come willingly enough to my bed.’ His voice had a deep, sensual timbre that sent shivers down her spine. ‘I shall not deny that I think you desirable, but I shall never force you to lie with me. You must come to me of your own free will…as you may one day.’
    ‘If you imagine that I would lie with you willingly…’ Maribel’s manner was one of disdain, but underneath her heart was hammering wildly in her breast; the picture his words conjured up was disturbing. She suddenly saw him bending over her as she lay in silken sheets, his mouth soft and loose with desire, his breath warm on her face, and her throat closed as she was pierced with desire. She gripped her hands at her sides, controlling her feelings, as she had been taught from childhood. A high-born lady did not allow herself to be seduced by a pirate, despite his undoubted charm. It was a picture too shocking to be contemplated. Turning away, she used anger to hide her confusion. This was madness! She was beginning to like him and she must not. ‘You are a mocking rogue, Captain Sylvester. I shall never come to you in that way.’
    ‘So be it…but still you are free to take the air every day for an hour or so. If you stay here in your cabin you may become ill and we have no time to spare for nursing a sick woman. I shall not force you to come up, but if you are not sensible I may have to persuade you.’
    ‘What do you mean?’ Maribel’s heart raced and she caught her breath as her senses whirled and she imagined what he might do. ‘You wouldn’t dare…’
    Justin moved in closer, towering over her. ‘I dare anything, lady—but I mean you no harm. We shall soon reach a secluded cove on the island of Mallorca, where I mean to go ashore and replenish our water supplies before we set sail for Cyprus.’
    His words banished the foolish thoughts, making her angry once more. ‘Cyprus? No, I shall not go with you, sir. You promised you would ransom me to my family! How dare you take me to Cyprus? I demand to be returned to Spain!’
    ‘I believe I made no promises.’ Justin’s gaze narrowed. ‘I have learned that you know nothing of your affianced husband—or his cousin. You would not go so gladly to your wedding if you knew what manner of men they were, believe me.’
    ‘I do not go gladly, but I must obey my father. He controls the fortune my husband left to me and I have no choice…’ Her throat closed and the tears stood on her lashes. She looked at him with an unconscious appeal in her eyes. Could she trust him? If he spoke the truth, it seemed her father had betrayed her. She had never felt more alone in her life. ‘Is Lord Roberts truly the monster you told me?’
    ‘When I knew of him he was steeped in vice and, I believe, riddled with the pox. I would not have expected him to live long enough to take a bride. If you lie with him, he will infect you with some foul disease—a disease that will cause you great suffering, perhaps even your death.’
    Maribel’s face was ashen. ‘My father could not haveknown he was so evil…’ Her voice broke on a sob. ‘My first husband loved me. He loved me…’ The tears slid down her cheeks, her pride forgotten for the moment. ‘I would rather die than become the wife of such a monster.’
    Justin moved in closer. ‘Do not weep, lady. I would not see you break your heart. Perhaps the future holds more than you might think.’ His hand moved out to touch her, but fell without doing so. ‘For your own sake, come on deck for some air—or I may have to fetch you!’
    Maribel looked up at him. Something about him then made her long to trust him. For some foolish reason she wanted to go to his arms, lay her head against his shoulder and weep, but pride made her raise her head once more. She was so alone and he seemed to offer comfort, yet how could she trust a pirate?
    ‘You swore none of your men would lay a hand on me,’ she said and even as she spoke saw his frown and

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