The Pirate Takes A Bride

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Book: Read The Pirate Takes A Bride for Free Online
Authors: Shana Galen
for rigging stress, hoisting the remaining sails, and swabbing the already gleaming decks. “And has Red seen to the food and water provisions?”
    “Aye, sir.”
    Nick threaded his way past more men and approached the helm. His second mate was at the helm, and when he looked questioningly at Nick, Nick gave him the sign to remain at his post.
    “What course, sir?” Chante asked, though Nick and all aboard knew full well what course the
Robin Hood
would be setting. But Nick appreciated the formality, the structure, the order of life on a ship.
    “Set sail for Isla de las Riquezas, Mr. Chante. Depart as soon as possible.”
    “Aye, sir,” Chante said.
    Nick spent the next several hours issuing orders to his crew, approving the setting of the watch and the deck chores, and staring at the open sea, now deep blue in the late morning light. The winds were brisk, and the sails snapped as the ship made close to six knots. But Nick gripped the rail and mentally urged her on faster.
    Isla de las Riquezas was a good ten days’ sail in good weather, and Nick was impatient to arrive. He was even more impatient to find and punish Yussef. Nick scanned the ocean once again.
    The Barbary pirate was out there somewhere. Running? Hiding? Laughing?
    Laugh now
, Nick thought.
Because before long, you’ll be mine
    “Cap’n, sir?”
    Nick turned from the railing and his view of the open ocean to face the short third mate. Mr. Fellowes doffed his cap.
    “What is it, Mr. Fellowes?”
    “I’m sorry what to bother you wit’ this.”
    Nick waved a hand, indicating it was no bother at all.
    “But you put me in charge of the missy, sir, and I’m having a bit o’ a time wit’ her.”
    Nick frowned. “Missy?”
    Fellowes nodded. “Yes, sir. And I’m having a bit o’ a time wit’ her. She don’t want to stay in your cabin, and I don’t know wot else to do wit’ her. Seems like you should do an introduction o’ sorts afore we let her loose on deck. Let the men know to keep hands off. But that’s just me opinion. Begging your pardon, sir.”
    Nick took a deep breath. He’d actually forgotten about Ashley Brittany for a time. A fact she’d probably sensed and was wasting no time rectifying. And yet he wasn’t quite ready to deal with her. He had work to do—work he could not accomplish in his cabin with her ranting at him. And yet, with her running free, he wouldn’t be able to concentrate either.
    “Leave her where she is for now, Mr. Fellowes.”
    “But, Cap’n, she—”
    Nick held up a hand. “I know how she can be. Handle her, Mr. Fellowes. And while you’re at it, bring me my maps and my logbooks. Let Mr. Chante know that I want a meeting with all the officers on the quarterdeck just after eight bells of the morning watch.”
    “Aye, Cap’n.” Fellowes turned slowly, and Nick recognized the look on the man’s face: sheer determination.
    No doubt, Nick would have the same look when he faced Ashley later.

    L ater finally bore down on him. When Nick heard the first bell of the mid watch and realized it was after midnight, he glanced at his men. The same weariness he felt was reflected on their faces.
    “Get some sleep,” he ordered those not on watch. “You have your orders.”
    Fully intending to take his own advice, Nick stumbled numbly to his cabin. He reached for the handle and turned it. Nothing happened.
    Nick frowned in the darkness. Why was his cabin locked?
    Through the weight of fatigue, the answer dawned on him.
    Ashley was in there.
    Hell’s teeth.
    Nick prayed she’d already fallen asleep. He wanted nothing more than a few hours of peaceful rest himself. He fished in his pocket for the key, opened the door, and stepped inside. It was dark and quiet. Thank God—
    The door swung shut behind him, and he heard a whoosh. A bolt of lightning crashed through his skull as something hit him hard on the back of the head.
    He stumbled forward, catching himself with one hand on his desk. “What

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