The Perfect Clone

Read The Perfect Clone for Free Online

Book: Read The Perfect Clone for Free Online
Authors: M. L. Stephens
Tags: Science-Fiction
supported her until she found her balance. “You said that the doctor told you, that it’s hit and miss at this stage.”
    “I know, but it doesn’t make things easier. Thanks for being such a good friend, Roger. I couldn’t have managed without you.”
    “It was my pleasure.”
    After seeing Roger out, Laura hurried to the living room, to visit with Richard. “Can I talk you into a sleep over? I don’t know about you, but I’m beat.”
    “Is my same room still available?”
    “For you…always,” Laura teased as she ran upstairs to make a quick once over of the room. She wanted to ensure everything was in order. Remembering that Richard liked extra pillows, she went to the linen closet in the hall to grab a few. Closing the door, she let out a yelp and landed a hard slap against Richard’s chest. “I hate it when you sneak up on me like that!”
    “I know. I had to get one in for old time’s sake. It’s been too long Laura.”
    “Yes it has, good to have you back.”
    “Since tomorrow is Saturday, I insist that we spend it together playing catch up. There’s something I’d like to get your opinion on.”
    “I‘d love to spend the day with my second most favorite guy in the world, and I have plenty of opinions to share.” Laura shoved the pillows hard into Richard’s chest. “And just for the record, the next time you creep up on me, I’ll nail your butt. And I promise you, it’ll feel the same regardless of which of the thirty-seven languages you’re thinking in.”
    “I know thirty-eight now, Ms. Smarty Pants.”
    With a quick turn of the head, Laura padded down the carpeted hall to her old room. The rugged sound of Richard’s laughter filled her ears.
    Dr. Hamstein was determined to let go of his emotional pain. He’d spent the last two weeks in deep contemplation over a major professional opportunity that had presented itself.
    Acknowledging the time, but having made his decision, Igor sat on the corner of his desk and picked up the phone. He knew that his call would be accepted regardless of the late hour.
    “Yes?” The deep male voice on the other end of the line was professional.
    “When do we start?” Once Igor had made a decision, he wasn’t one to waste time with small talk.
    The man on the other end didn’t hesitate. “I’ll have my private jet ready at the terminal one week from today, assuming that gives you ample time to tie up any loose ends you might have?”
    Igor was enticed by the urgency and no nonsense manner in which this man conducted business. “That will be more than enough time.”
    “Excellent, I’ll have my attorney at your office Monday morning to hash out the details.” The connection ended abruptly as the other caller hung up.
    Returning the phone to its cradle Igor stared at it and thought about the new direction his life was about to take.

Chapter 5
    A small sand crab scampered across a discarded flip flop in its rush to escape an unseen predator. Throwing her head back in amusement, the sweet sound of Sarah’s laughter carried on the chilly night breeze. Captivated by the busy workings of nature‘s need to survive, she eyed the crustacean as it scuttled across the sand and disappeared beneath a nearby piece of discarded driftwood.
    The waves coming in on high tide stroked the beach with outstretched fingers, lapping hungrily against the expanded shore’s surface. The ocean sprayed upward, signaling its approval, as it swallowed up the delicacies of objects usually outside of its reach. Sarah listened to the melodic rhythm of the water as it pounded against its prey.
    The full moon beamed its radiance onto the water below, reflecting in ecstasy against its choppy surface. The bright light illuminated the wave crests, creating the illusion of a phosphorus lined paradise.
    Gazing up at the constellations, Sarah inhaled the salty air, allowing it to fill her lungs. This used to be her haven, now it was a

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