The Outlaw's Kiss (an Old West Romance) (Wild West Brides)
this hellhole can.”
    “Okay, Al, that’s about enough of terrifying the
lady.” Eli stepped up and yanked my hand away from Swearengen’s grasp. “There’s
no reason for all of that. She’s not for you to try and ply your trade with.
Head back to the coach, I’ll be out shortly,” he said.
    My heart pounded as I followed father out of the
saloon and back to the coach. Back inside, I heard Mr. Swearengen loudly protest
that he had no foul intentions with me as he was a happily married man. From
the audible snort, I think Eli wasn’t quite convinced.
    As promised, Eli emerged with a grin.
    “Well, I’m glad that went relatively well. And now
you’ve met one of the two men who make this place work. The other, Sheriff
Bullock, I’m sure will be along shortly. He tends to appear to make himself
known to new residents.”
    T he house was a very well built two-story affair.
Upon looking around for the first time, there were more rooms than either father
or I expected, given the surroundings. The front of the building had a nice
porch with two chairs already set upon it, and inside was a dining area, a
sitting room and three bedrooms. All of them fully furnished, which struck me
as a bit curious, but I was so tired from the ride and everything else that
when Eli offered to move my things for me I’m not ashamed to admit I took him
up on it and sat on one of the rocking chairs to watch and rest my feet.
    “That should just about do it,” Eli grunted as he
deposited the last of our wardrobes inside the door of Father’s and my new
abode. “Nice place, all said. Maybe Swearengen wasn’t completely dishonest
about it. Anyways, I’ve got to see to the others and get gone in the morning.”
Eli wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and pulled a comb out
of his back pocket to smooth his hair before replacing his hat.
    “Will you be back?” I asked, suddenly realizing I
took for granted that he would. “I don’t think I’d like it if I didn’t see you
    It came out a bit more anguished than I wanted,
but he was too kind to make small of me.
    “Of course,” he said. “I’m not taking those folks
all the way to Oregon. I’m responsible for getting them to Independence Rock, a
few days’ ride from here. I hand them over to another guide who leads them the
rest of the way. After that,” he took my hand and tilted his head back so I
could see the pale blue of his eyes reflecting the sky. “After that, Miss
James, I’ll be back.”
    I’d never felt such a swoon. He kissed my hand two
times, as gingerly as anything. “Mr. Masterson,” I said taking a breath. “I –
thank you for all your help. For everything.” I had to look away to keep myself
from turning completely red.
    He placed one more kiss on the back of my hand
though he let his warm lips linger for a moment before looking up. “Don’t go
forgetting about me while I’m gone, you hear?” His smile warmed me through.
“I’ll let the sheriff know you two are in town if I see him. He’s a good man,
one I’m proud to call a friend. He’ll take care of you. Tell your father good
bye for me.”
    I couldn’t respond, instead just watching him trot
back to the wagon and hop up to the driver’s bench. I waved, trying my best to
keep composed. “Come back soon!”
    “Will do, ma’am,” Eli replied. He lifted his hat
and gave me one of his nods. With that, he was gone.
    Settling in didn’t take long, and neither did a
quick wash-up before bed. As night settled in shortly after Eli departed, I sat
on the porch with a cup of water as father sipped a measure of spirits. That
night’s stars were as beautiful as any I’d seen since leaving Yankton. But
knowing that soon, Eli would be looking at the very same ones, and maybe
thinking of me, made the ache in my heart quiet for a time.

    September 8, 1878
    Deadwood, Dakota Territory
    A loud knock shook me awake. I rolled over, and
went to

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