The Outlaw (Phantom Server: Book #2)
I was sure that I could use the files to study them and hopefully use them at some later date. Also, I noticed that the bar of Alien Technologies kept growing with every scanned device.
    I opened my interface. The update had affected that, too!
    If before I'd had to choose the main characteristics and their values before installing the implant — and the only way to exceed the 10-pt limit was by either using the gear's stats, some special abilities or exo formulas — now each characteristic has its respective bar to register its growth.
    I glanced over the main characteristics:
    Zander. An Alt Outlaw. Level 20. Pilot
    Intellect, 7 (+1 semantic processor bonus, +0,125 current research)
    Strength, 7 (+0,15 continuous exercise)
    Willpower, 7 (+0,5 coping with stress)
    Agility, 5 (+2 reflex enhancer bonus)
    Perception, 5 (+2 semantic processor bonus, +0,7 usage of neuronets, nanite control)
    Stamina,              5 (+0,7 survival in an extreme environment)
    Learning Skills, 7 (+0,3 creating unique scanner files)
    Piloting of Small Spacecraft, 10 (+0,1)
    Piloting of Medium and Large Spacecraft, 4 (0,0)
    Combat Maneuvering, 7 (0,0)
    Navigation, 9 (0,0)
    Mechanic, 1 (0,0)
    Repairs, 4 (0,0)
    Alien Technologies, 1 (+0,25 creating unique scanner files)
    Mnemotechnics 1 + 0,75 (nanite control)
    Combat skills, 7 (0,0)
    Light weapons 7 (0,0)
    Heavy weapons, 7 (0,0)
    Energy Weapons, 9 (0,0)
    Accuracy 9 (0,0)
    Critical hit 1 (+2% chance of dealing critical damage to your opponent)
    Defense (the use of advanced gear courtesy of the Technologists Clan)
    Replication 1 (2 nanite colonies available)
    Steel Mist 1
    Object Replication 1.
    The update didn't affect any of the unique abilities I'd received earlier:
    Friend of the Haash
    +1 to all characteristics every time you fight alongside the Haash
    Whenever you fight unarmed with less than 5% Health, you're able to ignore the enemy's defenses, dealing only critical damage.
    The sight of you terrifies all creatures under level 20. They flee, unable to attack you.
    Robot Technician
    +10% to damage dealt to all machines
    Another innovation: a new bar on my interface, indicating the levels of my “Physical Energy”. Currently it was down 30%, apparently signifying the degree of my fatigue. Not that the developers really needed to have added it. Thanks to the absolute authenticity of the experience, I knew well enough when I had to stop and give myself a break.
    As I scrolled through the character development information, my eye chanced upon the familiar words, Creating unique scanner files . I decided to check my idea. I went back to the nearest already-scanned robot and rescanned several of its modules. Alas, no gain in Alien Technologies this time.
    Never mind. I knew where I could level it. The Founders' frigate that we'd won in battle with the Dargians was a treasure trove of ancient technologies. It was chock full of yet unstudied devices. Surely I could earn much more XP scanning them than these few mangled parts of long-broken serves.
    While I was thus consumed by my excuse for scientific research, an alarm beeped. Sensors had detected the signatures of three assault modules.
    The echoes of battle in the depths of the station had died away which by itself wasn't good news. Either all of the raid members had been killed or they had mopped up one last deck and decided to come back. In either case, it was time for me to make myself scarce. One of the modules was about to dock with the station while the other two were covering him from their orbits.
    I could sense a weak source of radiation. It felt as if my skin was tingling. They were scanning me. It would be stupid to stick my neck out so I broke away, turning off into the maze of destroyed living modules. I knew the way. In another five hundred feet or so I'd come to the tunnel leading through the hull structures, and from there my Condor

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