The Mulligan Planet
wanted to see you. Not
see you! I mean, yes to see you... I wanted to see if you wanted to
have a drink?” she smiled, bit her lower lip and looked down for a
moment, “Sure come on in.” she walked back into her flat which was
exceptionally larger than I had previously expected, the soft scent
of incense burning swirled around my nose as I looked around her
living room, her walls were decorated with brightly coloured
artworks and photos, an oval shaped pink rug sat below a two-seater
black couch. “Take a seat, I’ll go get changed.” I smiled at her,
“Thanks, just on the couch?” she nodded as she walked into a room
and closed the door behind her. I sat on the couch and put the
bottle next to me, I continued to observe my surroundings, taking
in every aspect. She had a small shelf with a collection of DVDs,
her medium sized TV sat on what appeared to be a mahogany stand. I
looked over at her clock, I don’t know how, but somewhere between
the bar and Kate’s house I’d lost six hours. But as sure as the sun
would rise it was 8.10. I clapped my hands together and began
tapping my feet as I heard the door open behind me. I stood and
slowly turned to see Kate wearing a black jacket, red top, black
skirt, black stockings and boots, her hair now brushed and a shade
of rouge lit up her lips, “Let’s go somewhere,” I was stuck looking
at her, “Um, yeah, where would you like to go?” I mentally kicked
myself, 'Stop it with the um!' she smiled at me, “Let’s go to the
city, have some fun on the town.” I smiled back, “Sounds great,
lead the way.” I grabbed my bottle as she led me to her door, out
onto the street and toward an elevator on the opposite side of the
cavern to the stairs that I had initially entered from.
    We entered the steel box and she
pushed a button with a little CP on it. I offered her some
liquorice which she accepted, “So when were you changed?” she
regarded me for a moment, “Odd question on a first date.” I opened
my mouth in an attempt to apologise but she cut me off, “I'm
kidding sweetie, 1992, I was at a party with some friends for my
twenty-forth. The night was finishing up and I decided I was well
enough to drive home, next thing I knew my car was wrapped around a
pole and I was in some guy’s house with a nice little love bite on
my wrist,” the elevator stopped and the doors slid back slowly to
reveal a mass of cars. She guided me as we began to walk toward a
new black coupe, Kate gestured toward it, “This’ll be yours, keys
will be on the driver seat, nice little gift from our friends
upstairs. It’s like a rental, when you get your own car you give it
back.” We climbed in and I started it up with a purr which quickly
turned into a roar and I began to follow the exit signs as the car
glided on the car-park's smooth concrete path, “Anyway, the guy
wouldn’t give me his name, he just explained the situation, gave me
some tea and sent me on my way once I healed.” There was a gate and
what looked like the end of a telescope poking out of a small box
to my right, “Look at it for a moment, it’s how they keep track on
us.” I did, there was a green flash and the gate rose. I handed her
the bottle as I pulled out onto the road and followed the sign left
that read 'Hobart'. “So why are you here? The others seem to have
pretty intense combat training.” She took a plastic cup from the
glove box and poured herself a drink, “Well, after that night I
began doing some mercenary work. I did some stuff in Rwanda,
Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and some more stuff in Korea. In 2004
Anton contacted me and sent me on a job in Sydney, after I was
finished he picked me up and brought me here.” I watched as
something scrambled across the road ahead of the car sending a
shiver run down my spine, I never liked things that scrambled as
movement, it was very... shudder producing. Some more movement
caught my peripheral vision, something more local and much less

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