The Miracle Morning

Read The Miracle Morning for Free Online

Book: Read The Miracle Morning for Free Online
Authors: Hal Elrod
Tags: Self-Help, Personal Growth, Success
that run, I would have one of the most powerful, profound, life-changing breakthroughs in my entire life.
    Listening to a personal development audio from Jim Rohn, he said something that although I had heard before, I never really got it. You know how sometimes you hear something over and over again without actually implementing it, but then one day it finally clicks for you? It just takes you being in the right state of mind to really get it ? Well, that morning I was in the right state of mind—a state of desperation—and I got it. When I heard Jim proclaim with certainty, “Your level of success, will rarely exceed your level of personal development, because success is something you attract by the person you become , ” I stopped in my tracks. This one philosophy was going to change my entire life.
    The Success Parallel
    All of a sudden, it hit me!  It was like a tidal wave of reality that came crashing down, and I became present to the fact that I had not been developing myself into the person I needed to be to attract, create, and sustain the level of success that I wanted. On a scale of one to ten, I wanted Level 10 success, but my level of personal development was at about a two—maybe a three or a four on a good day.
    I realized this is the problem for all of us. We all want Level 10 success, in every area of our lives—health, happiness, finances, relationships, career, spirituality, you name it—but if our levels of personal development (knowledge, experience, mindset, beliefs, etc.) in any given area are not at a Level 10, then life is always going to be a struggle.
    Our outer world will always be a reflection of our inner world. Our level of success is always going to parallel our level of personal development. Until we dedicate time each day to developing ourselves into the person we need to be to create the life we want, success is always going to be a struggle to attain.
    I ran straight home. I was ready to change my life.
    Our First Challenge:  Finding Time
    I knew that the solution to all of my problems was that I had to commit to making personal development a priority in my daily life. This was the missing link that would enable me to become the person I needed to be able to consistently attract, create, and sustain the levels of success that I wanted. Simple enough.
    However, my main challenge was the same as anyone’s:  finding time . I was so busy just trying to survive my life and pay my bills, that the idea of finding “extra” time for my personal development seemed almost impossible. Maybe you can relate? 
    I love what bestselling author, Matthew Kelly says:  “On the one hand, we all want to be happy. On the other hand, we all know the things that make us happy. But we don’t do those things. Why? Simple. We are too busy. Too busy doing what? Too busy trying to be happy.”
    So, I grabbed my planner, sat down on my couch, and committed to finding time— making time—for my daily personal development. I considered the options: 
    Maybe the Evening?
    My first thought was that maybe I could make time in the evenings, after work, or maybe late at night, after my fiancé goes to bed. But then I realized that the evening was really the only time I had to spend with her during the day. Not to mention that late at night is rarely when I’m at my best. I’m usually so tired that focusing is even more of a challenge than it usually is. In fact, I’m hardly coherent, let alone in an “optimum” state of mind for personal development. Evening was not going to be the optimum time.
    Possibly the Afternoon?
    Maybe I could schedule it in the middle of the day? Possibly on my lunch break, or somewhere in between, I could just find some “extra” time. Well, that extra time just doesn’t show up and the day usually gets away from us.
    Aw, Come on – Not in the Morning!
    Then, I considered doing it in the morning—but I resisted. To say that I was not a morning person was a gross

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