The Mile Long Spaceship

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Book: Read The Mile Long Spaceship for Free Online
Authors: Kate Wilhelm
our house and I practically forced him into marrying me. I don't think he realized it, but the minute I saw him, I knew he was my way out."
    "Why didn't your father send you away?" Royle asked harshly.
    "Where? A girl under age. He didn't know anyone away from Trannus after all those years," she answered simply.
    "And now what? What do you want me to do?"
    "Nothing, only don't make me go back to that room! Anything else. I can't keep facing him after what I did to him. He is so afraid, it changes him. He wasn't kind, but he was understandable. He has to be ahead of the rest, be bigger than anyone else. And now he's only afraid," she said. "If he could be able to lean on me, he'd hide his fear from everyone else, and that would save him. But he can't lean on anyone and he has to be what he is—afraid where everyone can see it. It's my fault. If I hadn't failed him, he wouldn't be making trouble for you now. It's all my fault!"
    "Is that your only worry now? Aren't you more afraid of this disease we have?" Royle asked her angrily.
    "Why should I be, Captain Royle? Harmon has worked so hard, has gained so much that he will lose. If we do live, he won't have me back after all this. I'll still be alone and poor. I lose nothing."
    "Your life, child. Your life," Royle said, harshness creeping into his voice. He herded them toward the door. "You both leave. Kara, you can go with Giroden or you can let him help you find an empty room. Just close the door and press the stud to lock it and no one can get in. You can both reach me here if you want me. Let me know where you are so I can arrange for your meals."
    He called DeBarge in the shielded hold. "Look, Debby, I don't know if it'll work, but we're going ahead with the plan I outlined."
    "Thought you said next week, Captain," Debby said aggrievedly.
    "I know, I know, but things are brewing too fast up here. Some of our guests are wanting off and the only way I can keep them from boiling over is to give them some action. Any action."
    "Aye, aye, sir. I'll be watching the screen for you to say when. It won't be as fast as you wanted though. I've been over the computer again and I think it'll take three hours or better for the temperature drop you want after the power's gone."
    "Okay, Debby, just means they'll shiver longer. I'll signal you after I get the stage set."
    His hands were deft and sure as he made the various adjustments in the engine room, bringing in the auxiliary power, locking in the course he had set. He nodded noncommittally when Kara informed him she would be with Giroden. When his meal arrived, he ate mechanically, mentally checking off his steps of reasoning once more. He called Rawlins.
    "Anything definite yet?"
    "Nothing you could quote, but I think you're right," Rawlins said cheerfully.
    "Does that mean you found it in the tapes?" Royle's voice was sarcastic and he waved aside the quick denials. "Drop it, Rawlins. We've got to go ahead without confirmation right away. Bring the vaccine dispenser and the serums."
    "Aye, aye, sir!" Rawlins said enthusiastically.
    It took Royle nearly an hour to convince the passengers he meant business when he ordered them—some at gun point—from their berths to the lounge, but they went. Civilization had trained them to respect the voice of authority. Windlass, clearly suspicious and belligerent, wanted to fight instead and only the gun in Royle's hand convinced him he would be making a barren gesture. Dr. Kscievitch pursed his lips tightly in disapproval but went without comment. Some of the women were weeping in fright. Giroden and Kara nodded silently and walked together, not touching actually, but giving the impression of closeness.
    Royle checked them all off his list just to make sure and then signalled Rawlins. "Ladies and gentlemen," he started, pocketing the gun confidently, "I have a purpose in having you gather here at this time." He waited a moment before he continued, watching the defeat of their faces replaced

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