The Maya Codex

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Book: Read The Maya Codex for Free Online
Authors: Adrian D'Hagé
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Thrillers
turned to excitement:
Archbishop of Paris Crowns Our Lady of Hope
THE CATHOLIC ARCHBISHOP of Paris, Cardinal Jean Verdier, has crowned a statue of the Virgin Mary at Pontmain in the north of France. The Virgin Mary appeared to two children in Pontmain on 17 January 1871, during the Franco–Prussian war. The war ended in a crushing victory for the German and Prussian forces, which saw the unification of the German Empire under King Wilhelm I, and the total destruction of the French Empire.
    Levi now understood why the article had been approved for publication. The detestable little Goebbels never missed a chance to trumpet a German victory.
In a message to the children at Pontmain, the Blessed Mother asked them to pray, giving the war-torn community hope, and the Armistice was signed a few days later in Versailles. The Cardinal Secretary of State, Eugenio Pacelli, in a decree issued from St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, has affirmed the veneration of ‘Our Lady of Hope’ of Pontmain, as the appearance has become known, and declared that her statue be honoured with a crown of gold.
Cardinal Verdier crowned the statue of the Blessed Mother in the presence of other bishops and priests. There have been several verified appearances of the Virgin Mary, the most famous of which was at Fátima, Portugal in 1917. Watched by a crowd of several thousand, many of whom confirmed the sightings, the Blessed Mother appeared at Fátima a total of six times, on the thirteenth day of each month, from May until October.
    Levi took a deep breath, recalling the stela he’d discovered in Pyramid V in Tikal. Although the Maya had not specified an exact year, the ancient hieroglyphics had indicated that such a series of events would occur on the thirteenth day of each month from May until October – events that would be of great consequence to humankind. Was there a connection between the warnings the Virgin had delivered at Fátima and the Maya Codex, Levi wondered. Could that explain the Vatican’s interest in the ancient civilisation and the presence of a Catholic priest in Tikal? How could the ancient Maya have known these appearances would occur? And what might it have to do with 2012? Levi shook his head. So many questions, but, as yet, so few answers. Levi was convinced there was a great deal more to the ancient Maya than even he had previously thought.

    Levi had been taken aback by his host’s genial charm. It hadn’t been long, though, before the façade of bonhomie had completely vanished. The study room in the Wewelsburg Castle north tower was sombrely decorated with swastikas and runes, matching Himmler’s change in mood. It was already clear to Levi that his participation in the Tikal expedition would not be voluntary.
    ‘Are you familiar with craniometry and the cephalic index, Professor?’
    Levi nodded without commenting. He had long believed the Nazis’ philosophy of using ‘head shape’ and ‘nose shape’ as measures of racial categorisation to be a dark stain on the social science of anthropology.
    ‘Then you will not need reminding of the importance I attach to the collection of Mayan skulls. They are to be brought back to Wewelsburg for examination and classification. It will be in your own interest to give us your full cooperation,’ Himmler added, before turning to his young protégé. ‘Hauptsturmführer von Heißen will be in charge of the expedition, although you will, of course, direct the archaeological exploration, so we will need your lists of supplies as soon as possible. Von Heißen will ensure that the necessary officers are on hand to assist you.’
    Levi nodded, Ramona’s warnings ringing in his ears. Himmler got up from the table and walked over to a small stone aperture overlooking the village.
    ‘In time this castle will represent the zenith of racial science,’ he said, leaning on the stone ledge. ‘The village of Wewelsburg will be an SS city, and this castle will be the Vatican of the

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