The Many Sins of Lord Cameron

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Book: Read The Many Sins of Lord Cameron for Free Online
Authors: Jennifer Ashley
match,” Angelo said. “To the death, I think.”
    “Croquet is bloody boring,” Daniel said.
    Cameron wasn’t listening. Another woman had come to join Isabella, one in a dull gray frock with hair the color of sunshine.
    “Jasmine’s had enough this morning,” Cameron said. “Cool her down and take her in, Angelo.”
    Angelo flashed another smile and turned Jasmine away. Daniel followed Angelo without a word. Cameron rode to the edge of the paddock to dismount his own horse, tossed his reins to a groom, and climbed the slope toward the house.
    “Get me into this game, Izzy,” Cameron said when he reached Isabella at the edge of Hart’s well-groomed lawn. Pairs of ladies and gentlemen waited beyond, a few gentlemen swinging mallets and rolling shoulders to show off for the ladies.
    Isabella turned to Cameron in surprise. “We’re playing croquet.”
    “Yes, I know what the devil it is. Give me a damned mallet.”
    “But you hate croquet.” Isabella continued to blink green eyes at him.
    “I don’t hate it today. I want you to pair me with Mrs. Douglas.”
    “Ah.” Isabella’s surprised look turned to one of interest. “Mrs. Douglas, is it?”
    They both turned to where Ainsley stood under a tree across the lawn, the Italian count at her side trying to catch her attention. Ainsley’s dress, trimmed with darker gray piping, was long-sleeved and high-collared, buttoned up to her neck. Cameron didn’t like her like that—the effect was one of a brightly plumed bird wrapped in a confining sheet.
    “You should have told me beforehand,” Isabella was saying. “I’ve already put her with a partner.”
    “So change him.”
    “Change him? My dear Cameron, assigning Hart’s guests to partners is an extremely delicate task. The entire game of croquet is a like a balance of European power. If I change one team, I have to change them all. I bless Ainsley for being able to take on the count.”
    Mac came up behind Isabella, slid his arm around her waist, and nuzzled her cheek. “Hart and his political games of croquet. I can think of so many better things to do this morning besides whacking a ball around a green.”
    Isabella blushed but didn’t push her husband’s hand away as it moved to her abdomen, where their second child had started to grow. “I promised Hart I’d help him,” Isabella said. “He looked so desperate when he asked.”
    “He would.” Mac continued to nuzzle. “Where is Hart, anyway?”
    “Wooing diplomats with brandy and cigars behind closed doors,” Isabella said.
    “Leaving us with the dull work,” Mac rumbled.
    Their youngest brother, Ian, was absent as well, but none of them needed to ask why. Cameron had spoken to Ian earlier that morning, but Ian didn’t like crowds, nor did he like games in which he could calculate the winning trajectories in two minutes. He’d be bored and uncomfortable and dart away to be alone, giving Hart’s guests something to talk about.
    In the past, Cameron, worrying about Ian, would go make sure that he wasn’t sitting alone in a huddle, or staring for hours at a Ming bowl, or pouring over some endless mathematical exercise. These days, Cameron knew that Ian used the excuse of not liking crowds to spend more time alone with his wife—in bed. Crafty sod.
    “If you truly want in the game, Cameron, I’ll have you look after Mrs. Yardley,” Isabella said. “She volunteered to sit out as we have an odd number, but I know she’d love to play.”
    Cameron’s gaze strayed to the green where the count had taken Ainsley’s arm to lead her to the first wicket. “Fine,” Cameron said. “Mrs. Yardley it is.”
    “Excellent. She’ll be pleased.” Isabella smiled. She held out a mallet to him. “Think of it as a very slow game of polo. Enjoy yourself, Cam.”
    “Oh, I intend to.” Cameron took the mallet and marched determinedly to the lawn. Ainsley Douglas, ensconced with her count, never once looked his way.

Chapter 4
    Mrs. Yardley, a

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