The Magic Path of Intuition

Read The Magic Path of Intuition for Free Online Page B

Book: Read The Magic Path of Intuition for Free Online
Authors: Florence Scovel Shinn
Tags: General, Self-Help, Body; Mind & Spirit, New Thought
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    deliverance, and your immediate and endless
    supply of all good. If you say you are going
    to do a thing and then do not attend to it, it
    will be done for you violently when you least
    expect it. For example, I had a ribbon belt on
    a dress with long streamers that ended in tas-
    sels. One streamer, I thought, was too long,
    and I said repeatedly, “I must shorten that tassel.” I never got around to it, as they say in the country, and one day I was climbing to the
    top seat of a bus, when I felt a jerk and a rip. I looked down and the tassel had been torn off,
    making it just the length I had intended to
    have it. This was an unimportant experience,
    but it taught me not to say I was going to do a thing and then not do it. Despise not the day
    of small things.
    A woman told me the following story,
    proving the reality of her invisible supply:
    It was in the early spring. She wanted some
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    apple blossoms and started out in her car to
    go to the nearest farmer. She went to one after another, being told by each farmer that it was
    too early in the season for apple blossoms.
    Undiscouraged, she made a fi nal attempt. She
    drove up to the next farmhouse to ask and had
    the same reply. She looked over at the orchard
    and exclaimed, “Why, there are blossoms on
    one of those trees.” The farmer replied, “Those blossoms came out after your arrival here.”
    Trust in God, and the seemingly impossible
    will come to pass.
    I knew a man who at 60 was bankrupt, and
    at 76 was making $30,000 a year. He said his
    success came after he stopped worrying, which
    was after he was bankrupt. His new ships of
    success came in over an unworried sea.
    Time will register in your body and affairs
    so long as you believe in it. When you realize
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    Infinite Intelligence, the Great Magician
    that time and space are but a dream, you live
    suspended in the moment, and time can never
    touch you.
    This is the consciousness of those who
    have become “ascended masters.” Jesus Christ
    said, “In the world [of three dimensions] ye
    shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer
    for I have overcome the world.” He had over-
    come the thought-world of lack, limitation,
    and death itself and made the ascension. Jesus
    blessed the loaves and fi shes, and immediately came the increase. It was because he had the
    unshakable conviction that the Infi nite In-
    telligence within accomplished the work. He
    taught this to his disciples and the people. He did not claim anymore for himself than he
    did for others. After 2,000 years, we realize the amazing simplicity of his teachings.
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    Infinite Intelligence, the Great Magician
    I have often said that most people look
    too closely for their demonstrations, trying to force a channel or speculate upon the results
    of every move. There are three simple rules for taking every trick in the Game of Life: speak the word, follow your hunches, and dig your ditches. You will then be kept busy living with the wonderful now and won’t limit the Universe by looking to channels.
    In one of my classes we brought up the
    old proverb, “The watched pot never boils.”
    One of the students said, “We should have a
    whistling teakettle, which does not have to be
    watched. When it boils, it whistles for you.” So it is with your demonstration, it will whistle
    for you when it is ready, and when you are
    ready for it. Many people are asking for condi-
    tions that they would not be big enough to
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    handle. You have to grow up to your

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