The Magic Path of Intuition

Read The Magic Path of Intuition for Free Online Page A

Book: Read The Magic Path of Intuition for Free Online
Authors: Florence Scovel Shinn
Tags: General, Self-Help, Body; Mind & Spirit, New Thought
demonstrator and bring in the
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    Infinite Intelligence, the Great Magician
    element of play. Then I said, “Let us look upon the Universal Power as the Great Magician
    and draw out of His hat whatever we desire or
    require.” This eliminates all questioning as to the channel. We see simply the Giver of the
    Gift. One man present was in the real-estate
    business, and a few days afterward, he was
    asked by his fi rm to locate a seven-story building in a certain district for a client. It seemed impossible to fi nd just what he wanted, and he became discouraged. Then he thought of the
    Great Magician’s hat. He closed his eyes and
    said, “I now draw from the Great Magician’s
    hat, the right seven-story building in the right location.” Very soon after that, he walked into the building that was suitable in every way.
    Be wide-awake to your good, and let every
    event of the day teach you something. For ex-
    ample, I had taken my watch to the jeweler’s
    to be repaired, and after waiting a month it
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    Infinite Intelligence, the Great Magician
    was returned, but lost ten minutes a day. I
    felt a little annoyed. When putting it on my
    wrist, it fell out of my hand onto the hard-
    wood floor. I was meek and nonresistant by
    this time, and exclaimed, “I baptize it ‘Suc-
    cess’!” (See the chapter called “The Law of
    Nonresistance” in The Game of Life and How to Play It. ) I picked it up and it was still ticking, so I put it on and went out. The following day
    it was ticking away quite normally and, much
    to my surprise, kept perfect time. In falling it had become regulated. So if you have a bump
    of any kind, know you are being regulated,
    and you’ll come out of it much improved. The
    person who resists and resents will have to be
    regulated many times.
    Your supply is always with you, as it is
    prepared long beforehand. The following is a
    good statement: Reveal to me the Great Magician’s Storehouse. I now use the field glasses of 83
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    the spirit. Make believe you have the spiritual fi eld glasses, which bring faraway bless-
    ings very near. With these fi eld glasses, you
    see avalanches of checks, bills, and currency.
    You see health, happiness, success, etc. Do not visualize. Let the Divine ideas fl ash into your conscious mind. You are now linking with
    your invisible supply, which manifests on the
    external, through the consciousness of hav-
    ing received. Worry, doubt, and fear blur your
    spiritual fi eld glasses. They must be continu-
    ally cleaned with fresh inspiration and faith.
    Maybe a friend’s faith in you will give you
    faith in yourself.
    There is always some way of being re-
    charged, like a battery, and suddenly the
    Divine Plan will unfold right at your feet, for the ground you are on is harvest ground.
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    Infinite Intelligence, the Great Magician
    All unhappiness comes from not being
    able to see clearly your good. So, if assailed by doubts and fears, do something immediately
    to show your faith.
    A woman came to me to speak the word
    for her perfect home. She was living in a small room in a hotel. She was discouraged, so I told her to “dig a ditch” (see the chapter called
    “The Law of Prosperity” in The Game of Life and How to Play It ) to do something to show faith. She returned one day with a long pack-age. She said to me, “Bless it.” I asked, “What is it?” She replied, “A carving knife. It’s something I have no use for in a hotel.” So her ac-
    tive faith, which is preparation, opened the
    way for her divinely designed home.
    Life is an arena where you prove Infi-
    nite Intelligence as your defense and your
    Magic Path of Intuition

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