The Magic Book series, book 1
chair, which would be better described as a throne, and strode
purposefully round the table to meet them. “Our Kingdom is in grave
danger and we need your help.”
    “I’m terribly
sorry, but there seems to be some misunderstanding. We don’t see
how we could possibly be of any help to you,” Sophie declared
apologetically, more than a little taken aback to see her doodle
fairy must in fact be royalty!
    “Your Majesty,
let me explain,” Bryony cut in. “They still seem completely unaware
of their importance to us. I feel spending a little precious time
explaining is essential.”
    “I don’t even
know your names….” interjected Felicity shyly, feeling a little
teary at the bizarreness of it all.
    “Let’s start
there then,” the fairy offered, her demeanour softening on seeing
their distress. “My name is Queen Tara. Welcome to Serenia.” She
then signalled to the fairies at the table to stand and introduce
themselves; so one by one they said their names and sat back down
    “Campion,” said
a brave looking chap.
    “Sorrel,” said
another boy.
    “Girls, please
be seated and I will explain,” said Queen Tara, indicating a couple
of empty chairs at the table. “Many, many years ago, as far back as
is known to us, we have had the honoured task of tending to all the
flowers, trees and plants in both our lands. Your world is a mirror
image of ours. Everything that happens here, affects your world. We
are like nature’s control centre. This is why our plight when
Nightshade stole The Book you now have, was so profound. We need it
for Serenia’s very existence. If he is allowed to continue
unchecked, he will ultimately devastate not just our world, but
your world too.”
    “What makes The
Book so important?” probed Felicity.
    “The Book
itself pens a fairy to the exact needs of our lands, and then she
or he shall have life. Each one of us is named after the plant we
are destined to tend.
    Only somehow,
one seems to have turned out to have a bad heart; Nightshade.
No-one knows why this was so, but almost as soon as he was raised
from the page we could sense he had a restless soul. Never
contented and always wanting more. One day he started using his
magical abilities against us. He cast us out of our castle and is
slowly poisoning all of Serenia. Once all is dead and gone he plans
to rebuild it as he pleases, using The Book for black magic, to
create his own Kingdom. He will then surely rule over us, and not
kindly, of that I’m sure!”
    “If that
happens to Serenia, what will become of our world?” Felicity asked,
afraid to find out the answer.
    “We don’t know
for sure, but it will be vastly different to the place you know as
    “How on earth
can we stop him?” fretted Sophie.
    “There are only
a couple of weaknesses that all fairies have that can harm us -
human non-belief and now the poisonous intent of The Deadly
Nightshade fairy. We could have overpowered him with the help of
The Book, but he realised this and enchanted our poor fairy Ragwort
into stealing it. He must have then soon realised that it was
practically useless to him until he was ruler of the lands. Only
then would he have the right to use its magic. So he put it under a
holding spell which included its safe-guarder – me.”
    “Okay, I can
see the problem now,” Felicity said, “but I don’t see how we came
to find it if Nightshade had it. Had he hidden it in our
    Queen Tara
shook her head, “No, The Book always seeks a leader, and having
sensed danger and with me being out of action, it went in search of
a human with a belief in fairies so strong that when they
discovered its powers they would be able to break the spell. Until
now, we were unaware it could do this – and so was Nightshade,
luckily for us. Even luckier was that your belief broke that spell.
Your belief could save us all too. Now I am free and back

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