The Lust Boat

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Book: Read The Lust Boat for Free Online
Authors: Roz Lee
Tags: Erótica
pleasured herself last night, and that the face she’d imagined between her legs had been his. She shifted in her chair as need throbbed between her legs.
    She focused on the list again. “I assume the Bare the Biggest is a ‘who has the largest breasts’ contest?” Candace glanced at Ryan for confirmation.
    “Yes, and there is a men’s division too.”
    “I should have known.”
    “This is the Lothario .”
    “I’m beginning to get the idea.” She ran her finger down the list, stopping midway. “And the Kama sutra Yoga?”
    “Just what it says. It’s a couples class. They teach you basic yoga positions that are useful if you want to do the more elaborate positions in the Kama sutra . There’s also a class later in the week devoted to Kama sutra positions. It’s a couples class too, for obvious reasons. Then there’s the Sex-aerobics class. They show you how to keep your heart rate up for an aerobic workout during sex.”
    “Basic instruction on taking nude photos. The video class is tomorrow, I think.”
    “No explanation needed for that one.”
    “Well, what would you suggest?”
    “How about the massage class? That’s also a couples one, and its hands on.” Ryan looked into her eyes, holding her gaze. Desire simmered in their blue depths.
    Ryan’s eyes crinkled at the corners and his lips curved into a satisfied smile. “That’s not until mid-afternoon. What do you want to do until then?”
    “How about the art class?”
    “Okay. I’m terrible at drawing, but I’m willing to give it a try.”
    “Let me guess, nude models?”
    “Yep. You are getting the idea.”
    It was her turn to smile. “I think I am.”
    * * * *
    Ryan tried to concentrate on the couple modeling in the center of the room, but watching Candace, as she shyly glanced back and forth between the erotic tableau and her drawing pad, held his attention. She did a good job, though she tried her best not to look at the models. At the beginning of the class, the instructor had them working on life size renderings of specific body parts. He’d expected Candace to bolt, but she’d taken a good long look when the model stopped in front of her, turned a hundred different shades of pink, and then she’d drawn a darn good sketch.
    He had no talent to speak of, but for Candace’s sake, he tried his best. Candace proved a much more intriguing subject than either of the models. Even when the instructor posed them in mid-copulation, Candace still held his attention.
    Candace dropped her sketches into the recycle bin as they left the library where the class had been held. When she headed for the ladies room with the other women, he doubled back to the library to fetch them out again. He managed to find her drawings and handed them over to the instructor with directions to have them sent to his stateroom.
    They took lunch at the open-air café aft. When they were done, they wandered up to the Mediterranean deck to watch the Stand and Deliver contest. A large group surrounded the contestants, making it impossible for Candace to see, so Ryan cleared the way for her. As entertainment went on the Lothario, this one was pretty tame. There were half a dozen contestants left, and another half dozen had already been eliminated. They stood off to one side, holding the soft rubber cocks they’d been awarded for participation.
    Ryan stood behind Candace, one reassuring hand on her shoulder. The crowd had divided into several different camps, some supporting each of the remaining contestants, and one larger group doing their best to distract the contestants, causing them to ‘drop’ out of competition. It was interesting to watch. What turned one person on could wilt another’s ardor.
    Candace looked over her shoulder at him and held one hand up to shield her other hand while she pointed to something happening off to their right. Ryan shifted to see what she pointed at. A couple of guys were kissing and

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