The Lust Boat

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Book: Read The Lust Boat for Free Online
Authors: Roz Lee
Tags: Erótica
to the foot of the bed. The couple on screen continued fucking, but Candace had lost interest. She turned the set off and picked up the activities list again.
    * * * *
    Ryan sat across from her at the poolside table where last night Candace knew a woman had been served, or rather, served herself up, for any and all to feast on her. “I hope they gave this a good cleaning,” she said, tucking her hands in her lap.
    “Yes. The staff is discreet, but thorough.”
    “I sure hope so. The thought of eating my breakfast off the same table where…, well, you know, it just bothers me.” They’d ordered a light breakfast, preferring to eat outdoors in the sunshine rather than in the crowded dining room.
    Ryan excused himself and went to speak to one of the waiters at the poolside café. Candace didn’t have any idea what he said to the waiter, but the man hustled off as soon as they finished. When Ryan returned to the table Candace asked, “What was that all about?”
    “You’ll see.” And she did. A few minutes later, the same waiter reappeared with a snow-white tablecloth and proceeded to cover their table. Candace looked around at the other diners whose tabletops were bare and blushed at the curious looks she saw on their faces.
    “How did you manage that?”
    Ryan shrugged his shoulders. “I threw Richard’s name around. I’m not above using our friendship to get results.”
    Their breakfast arrived and they ate in companionable silence. Candace hated long gaps in conversation, but with Ryan, she didn’t feel they had to be talking all the time. It was enough to be together, sharing a meal and the fresh air.
    Ryan finished first, folded his napkin, and placed it beside his plate. Their waiter cleared the dirty plate as soon as Ryan leaned back in his chair. “Did you have a chance to look at the list for today?”
    Candace swallowed the last bite of fruit and dabbed the corners of her mouth with her napkin. She took her time, folding and placing it beside her plate. The napkin and her empty plate were whisked away in the blink of an eye. “My, they’re efficient here.”
    Ryan smiled. “Yes, they are. Good service is rewarded, so don’t forget to fill out your comment card on the last day.”
    “I will.”
    “So, what will it be today?”
    Candace gave up trying to avoid answering. Ryan would press her for some kind of answer, and she had no idea what it was going to be. She’d read the list and a few of its items clearly spelled out what you were in for, but others were cryptic, and she had no idea what they entailed. “I’m not sure. I don’t know what everything is.”
    Ryan nodded. “Like what?”
    “Mmm,” she consulted the list Ryan produced from the pocket of his running shorts. “Well, what exactly is the Stand and Deliver contest?”
    “Good choice. It’s one of the favorites with the women. There’s a preliminary contest every day, and winners of the daily contests compete on the last day.”
    “But what is it?”
    “The contestants are all men, passengers only. They have three minutes to produce a boner, and then the audience does everything they can to make the men go limp. The last one standing, so to speak, is the winner.”
    Candace turned beet red. “Really? And they do this nude?”
    “Completely. I understand the women have a great time. A few are there to support their men, doing what they can to keep them aroused, while others are trying to get them to go limp. The only rule is no touching the contestants.”
    “Have you ever competed?”
    “Would you?”
    Ryan rested his elbow on the arm of the chair and placed his chin on his upturned fist, studying her for a moment before answering. “I would --for you, but I’d prefer to show you my stamina in private.”
    She averted her eyes. Ryan looked at her as if he wanted to strip her naked, and she couldn’t shake the graphic image she had in her mind of Ryan showing her his stamina. If he only knew how she’d

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