The Living Dead Series (Book 3): Dead Coast

Read The Living Dead Series (Book 3): Dead Coast for Free Online

Book: Read The Living Dead Series (Book 3): Dead Coast for Free Online
Authors: L.I. Albemont
Tags: Zombies
today, has denied the existence of any cases of the virus in the country. Following a surprise shake-up in the Ministry, newly appointed director Xaio Ling confirmed a large number of virus cases in Guangdon Province but insists the situation is under control and they do not expect the disease to spread any further. Doctors say they have found no evidence that the disease is airborne and state that all new cases have occurred within isolated areas. All cases have been traced back to one hospital that has since been placed under quarantine.
    The ministry will now be providing daily updates on the illness. WHO is pleased with this effort at transparency that will help provide useful information to other nations dealing with the virus.
    Update: Switzerland
    Traffic checkpoints have been set up outside Geneva in an effort to stem the flood of refugees from Italy, which remains in crisis having been particularly hard-hit. The disease has spread outside the circle of first responder groups and their families. Overwhelmed hospitals have turned away patients causing them and their families to seek help outside the country. Surveillance in Switzerland has been heightened for suspect cases. Authorities now consider refugee cases 85% contained.
    In conclusion , as we move into the post-pandemic phase of the crisis we expect to see the disease spike in some areas with a gradual fade worldwide. Luck has been with us since the beginning in that cases were handled promptly and decisively and the virus itself did not mutate into an airborne transmittable form.
    David sat back and stared at the screen. He couldn’t believe what he just read. Post-pandemic? The World Health Organization thought this was over? Did they really think they were fooling anyone with this garbage?
    He heard footsteps on the stairs.  Homer came in and started rummaging through the fridge, pulling out a beer. He popped the top, took a long, thirsty swig and then belched. David shut the browser and turned around.
    “Where were you when it all started?” Homer asked.
    “At work.”
    “Me too.”  Homer spoke between swigs. “I work downtown. Two of the major hospitals there- oh my gosh, you wouldn’t believe the crowds waiting outside the ER that day they announced the outbreak. People downtown were supposed to be evacuating but really going nowhere since all the streets were blocked. It’s amazing how just a few wrecks, stalls, and abandoned vehicles can shut down the entire traffic grid. On top of that a couple of water mains burst and everything was coated with ice. You could barely walk down them much less drive.”
    “How did they evacuate then?”
    “Most of the city bus drivers parked the buses and left but the mayor tried to organize the evacuation anyway. They announced that buses would be picking up on the corner of Depot and Rhinehart and we’d be dropped off outside the city. So about three o’clock that afternoon people started queuing up all along the streets, hundreds of people. I’d been trying to call the boys’ school all day then calling Janine to see if she had them. I was half out of my mind by then.
    I was still up in my office trying to call Janine’s folks to see if they were over there. I had a great view of the street. Like I said there were a ton of people down there waiting for the buses. The buses never came. Those walking cadavers showed up though. They must have come from the hospitals. A lot of them were wearing hospital gowns.”
    “How many dead?”
    “At first probably a couple dozen. If people had known how to handle them, how to take them out, it would have been manageable. But of course no one did. Once they started in on the crowd- well, everyone they took down was back up within minutes and now playing for the other team.”
    Suddenly a shrill scream pierced the continual moaning coming from outside. They ran to look out an upstairs window but couldn’t see anyone living. Just the shuffling mass of

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