The Living Dead (Book 1): Contagion

Read The Living Dead (Book 1): Contagion for Free Online

Book: Read The Living Dead (Book 1): Contagion for Free Online
Authors: L.I. Albemont
Tags: Zombies
incident at approximately 1:10 p.m. (EST).
                Pending further developments, this will not be treated as a terrorist issue.
                She clicked on the second email.

    Department of Homeland Security
    ***Internal distribution only***
    Code AS42023
    Homeland Security Advisory System                          Threat Level: Red-Severe
    Updated 3:00 p.m. (EST)
                Passenger removed from plane in Miami declared dead 2:30 p.m. (EST) Female flight attendant hospitalized with sub normal temperature, since lapsed into coma. Miami area HS agents dispatched to Mercy Hospital requested SWAT team assist. Situation is fluid at this time and status unclear. HS agents dispatched in the DC metro area to take previously bitten male passenger into protective custody.
                Her sense of alarm rising, she opened the third.

    Department of Homeland Security
    ***Internal distribution only***
    Code AS42023
    Homeland Security Advisory System                                 Threat Level: Red-Severe
                Viral outbreak: suspected Haitian origin. Patients present with subnormal temperatures and vomiting, slipping into comatose state from which they revive violent and dangerous. Patient removed from flight earlier today mistakenly pronounced dead. He revived in Mercy Hospital morgue in Miami, attacking morgue attendants. Communication failure with SWAT team previously dispatched to site and status of situation still unknown.
                We fully expect this scenario to play out in other hospitals treating victims from the Caribbean area. We are currently trying to locate and contain all such instances. HIGH likelihood of failure due to volume of refugees from the earthquake zone.
                Best course of action appears to be isolation and restraint of all victims, even if they do not present as violent initially. Victims noted to have ambient room temperatures and no discernible pulse. Obviously one method of transmission is from bite by infected. Other forms of transmission possible but not verified at this time. Information and advisories for physicians and hospitals are being prepared and will be distributed through normal channels. Warnings to the general public are being prepared and will be broadcast. The State department is also working with other nations, as this must be considered an international crisis.
                Virginia closed the browser. She knew Ian would never send her these e-mails unless something was seriously wrong. He was circumspect about his job and she always knew there were aspects of what he did that he couldn’t talk about. He was trying to warn her. Not sure what to think she went to her bedroom, pulled on jeans and a sweater, then went back to the kitchen to pour a cup of coffee. As she walked by the television the Breaking News screen came on and the image changed to the White House briefing room. It looked different. The podium wasn’t centered on the dais and the usual American flag was missing or else out of camera range. As she watched, an aide moved the stars and stripes closer to the podium and into view. The reporters in the room were not seated and milled about talking amongst themselves. A woman walked into the room and stepped up to the podium. Looking tired and strained, her hair pinned up haphazardly, she wore a dark green military uniform that needed pressing.
                “Thank all of you for waiting, welcome. I am Major Catherine Whitford with the United States Army.” Donning a pair of reading glasses, she read from a prepared statement. “It is with heavy heart that I inform you that one of our nation’s finest medical facilities, Walter Reed Army Medical Center was the site of an outbreak of what we believe to be a

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